The old man after disappearing from the drinking establishment wakes up in his tent the next morning, which lies at the meeting place with three dead brahmin and one radscorpion husks decomposing outside of it, the old man sees the corpses after exiting the tent, almost tripping up over three sacks of brahmin and radscorpion meat next to a burnt out fire on the way to a stump. [b]"Was I drunk or having another episode?"[/b] Lewellyn groggily asks himself, just realising the others standing around the same area. [b]"How long have you lot been there? We signed on to destroy a Gecko didn't we? Oh wait it was a GECK, found the place they tested those creation kits in five years ago... Utterly spectacular..."[/b] Lewellyn blurts out, taking a seat on the nearby stump while trying to remember what happened beyond the ghoul's head exploding. Ol' Com lies beside the stump, sleeping away with a teddy bear near him.