[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/ju9xAjo.png[/img] [color=firebrick][h2]𝓐𝓷𝓻𝓲 𝓡𝓸𝓴𝓾𝓭𝓸[/h2][/color][/center] [hr] Handing off the cheap lighter Anri looked over at the mess happening. First Jack decided to fiddle with the sink and caused more of a mess, and then a girl fell from the ceiling! The ceiling where that monster, the Fringe, had come from! Anri rubbed her temples trying to calm herself down. This was crazy. Everyone was crazy… Anri needed some time to breath and collect herself. She walked towards on of the corners, relatively free of red bloody liquid, and pulled out her lighter. With one flick she had a small flame in her hand. The fire was as long as her thumb; shapely yet slender, waving back and forth with grace and ease. Anri mesmerized herself with the flame and remembered something… Unpleasant. But she did not act out or shout. She simply looked into the fire as the image was burned away and instead the fire brought joy to Anri’s eyes. A beauty and power that was not solid and clunky like a well-build weapon or massive monster. Fire didn’t have to be force or tough; it could be finesse, soft. Gentle. And yet still burning with enough heat that nothing would dare lay a finger on them, if they even could. Anri inhaled deeply, snuffing out the flames. She could taste the unique scented butane used to fuel her personal lighter, and she felt a pulse of ecstasy go through her body. She felt her worries slip away for the moment, and she had a clearer head. Turning back to the others Anri pocketed her lighter and turned to the others. Seemed like they wanted it head to the science room for more supplies. [Color=firebrick]”Sounds fine to me. I certainly know if we need fire power, that's where we'd get some.”[/color] If this place was somewhat of a mirror to their real world, Anri might even have a plan. Considering her… Interest, it meter eluded her that some of the chemicals in the science room could have been made into a crude incendiary grenade. Since Anri wasn't that stupid she never dared to try, but she did do some research. Hypothetically speaking, Anri had some ideas if she made it to the science. If If they If they even If they even escape this room first. There was something in the closet. Anri really, really hoped it was just a dead body. It would be frightening but harmless. Because if there was another monster here, Anri wouldn't know what to do. She crept close to Katashi, hoping to is his body to shield herself if anything attacked. While doing so, she digitized her intentions by clinging fearfully to his arm. [Color=Firebrick]”Kaka, do you hear that noise too?”[/color]