[quote=@Rica]THAT is what gay pride is. That is why heterosexual pride is cringy. Because heterosexual people have never suffered for being heterosexual.[/quote] Bologna. Hetero marriage has been around for thousands of years, a special brand of existential suffering. Here's the disconnect. The people who torment the different [i]are themselves a minority.[/i] The vast majority of us [i]just don't care[/i] about your personal tastes in anything, because why would we? Then along comes a pride parade (pick any pride), and the apathetic masses are painted right into the opposition. Maybe we deserve it -- we sat idly by for 250 years while gay marriage was illegal in the US, that's wrong, that's on us, right? But (for the majority) it wasn't about hate or prejudice or anything malicious -- just pure apathy. Again, still wrong, fine -- but for a lot of hetero people, the first introduction to rights movements was "You're our enemy, and we're going to beat you." [i]I understand how and why that came to be, and you're not entirely wrong -- but that shit puts people on the defensive.[/i] The 'hetero pride,' the 'red pill,' the 'white history month' type shit -- sure, it's frivolous and dumb, but it's entirely understandable. Somebody is just (they think) innocently going about their business and perceive themselves suddenly treated like a villain, and the first response is "Hey, no I'm not, I'm just a person too." They're not entirely wrong either. edit: reading over it, I realize I ought to note that yeah historically speaking it was another story altogether. Speaking about today's world, today's counter-pride stuff.