[quote=@Chairman Stein] [hider=The Grand Republic of Karlev] [center][h2][b][color=fff200][u]The Grand Republic of Karlev[/u][/color][/b][/h2] [img]https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/80589065/Random/mari_el-republic-flag.gif[/img] [b][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MlatwB4YQCc]Arise Karlev! Arise![/url][/b][/center] [b]Head of State:[/b] [url=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/93/Karl_of_Austria.jpg]Grand Prince Bogomir Sokolov[/url] [b]Demonym:[/b] Karlevian [i]Since time immemorable the Grand Republic has stood as a vestige of the old way. A Republic in the name, Karlev is a mercantile aristocracy ruled by a Council of Princes, who elect each new ruler as the next 'Grand Prince of Karlev'. The earliest mention of Karlev as a nation state in known history stretches back to the mid-14th century. Where, after generations of occupation by the former Osladian Empire, the Karlevian feudal lords and money-meisters rose in revolt against the crumbling Empire to stake their claim as an independent entity. From those early days as a fledgling city-state of Karlevygrad the Republic has grown to be an economic and naval powerhouse. Ruling both eastern continental naval trade and the waves of the Narrow Sea. However as Karlev enters the new century change is inevitable for the old guard Republic. The Merchant Guilds grow fatter and fatter, and do not take kindly to the bureaucrats in the White Palace demanding greater taxes upon their guilds and trade, and in the west Karlevian political commentators speak rumors of growing tensions between the other continental powers...[/i] [b]Map Claim:[/b] I saw a few other people apparently get their desired location and I'm sort of basing this little Republic off of [url=https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/80589065/Random/rzF7mE4.jpg]this[/url] area on the map, marked in red. So I'll request that but if not I can edit my history/nation accordingly. [b]Capital:[/b] Karlevygrad [b]City/Town Names:[/b] Vladivropol Tonsk Chelyabkin Volgokamensk Pavá Karrov Svolma Dokshyyow Novokurilsk [b]Karlevian Names:[/b] Borzivoi Vinograd (M) Miro Nowak (M) Drago Sojka (M) Lev Vladislavovich (M) Mikhail Olegovich (M) Karolina Leonidovna (F) Edita Savelievna (F) Iva Volansky (F) Masha Bubnov (F) Katya Malinovsky (F) [/hider] [/quote] Accepted.