Smiling, Parum was glad that the others chose to help the villagers. This was good. The other two, Trear and the warrior, went off ahead while Parum stayed with the villagers. Before Orchid went and got himself into danger Parum made a point to stop him so she could tell him what to do with the kobold as well as other reasons. [color=7bcdc8]"Hold up there big guy."[/color] Parum said, approaching him with a quiet voice. [color=7bcdc8]"You can't go running into the next fight in your condition. Look at you! You're just going to get yourself hurt again. Stay and protect the villagers with me. Besides, I want to talk to the kobold you're carrying when we reach somewhere safe."[/color] Hopefully Orchid would have listened, though Parum couldn't waste time arguing if he choose not to. Lilan, Cuth,and their children already went ahead to follow Trear and the warrior, so Parum went after them. They had stopped moving, which told Parum that they found something. She stayed with the family, her viol and rapier out, ready for the next fight. She stayed as quiet as she could, not moving an inch, waiting and watching. [hider=Rolls] Stealth = [url=]22[/url] Perception = [url=]19[/url] (Technically a Nat 20, but I have a -1 to Wisdom) [/hider]