[center][color=fff200][u][b]Yoshi and Rei and the Totally not Bummer Summer[/b][/u][/color][/center] Miraculously, Yoshi's attack managed to push the Mosca forward just a bit, it's attention focused on his friend, who'd just thrown a pretty big rock at it. It was astonishing really. Well, not for him since he knew about her gorilla like strength. [color=orange]"Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!"[/color] To anybody it would seem like Yoshi had more or less lost it. [color=orange]"Take this thing down with my dying will!"[/color] Anything else he said was some sort of grunt, groan or roar like noise. The Mosca was clearly having a hard time. Still, it's sensors managed to focus on Yoshi, or rather the flame at his forehead and the energy he was emitting. This area was supposed to be a neutral zone with no mafia activity and yet here he was, a metaphorical nobody in Dying Will Mode, not that he seemed to know what it was. [color=orange]"Take it down!"[/color] The boy growled again as he used all of his strength, which had apparently increased, to lift one of the machine's legs and knock it onto the floor. It wasn't hard. Rei's rock throwing had managed to bang innumerable dents into the damn thing. It clearly wasn't made for this kind of random, idiotic assault. Yoshi continued to move though. He growled again as he lifted the arm up, standing on the machines side. He held it tightly and began to pull until the metal separated at the joints, thanks again to Rei's expect marksmanship. This was why she won at fps games. Even if only by a small margin. This was it! This was their victory. It wasn't graceful in the slightest, but hopefully they'd passed. "AAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!" He was still shouting as he used the severed arm to bash the bots head in until it finally stopped moving. When all was said and done, he hopped off the side. Yoshi was panting as the slight glow that'd enveloped him began to dull and the flame at his forehead when out. He was back to normal. [color=orange]"Um..."[/color] Confused wasn't even the word. It was a stepping stone to a better word which could be said as an understatement at best. [color=orange]"What the..."[/color] He glanced down at the beaten bot and then up and around. [color=orange]"How..."[/color] He suddenly felt a small chill as a breeze came by through the trees. [color=orange]"WHAT THE FUCK?!?!"[/color] He would finally cry out as he looked down and discovered his lack of clothing. [color=orange]"Rei? Fon? Who?! Why?!"[/color] The young mafioso couldn't even finish a thought as he stood there astonished, wanting nothing more than answers. And maybe a new pair of pants.