Nancy was happy for a moment when Almaniac seemed to calm down, because that would mean Nancy could stop being a hero, at least for now. But no, that wasn't what fate had in mind it seemed as Almaniac opened her eyes again, looking even eviler now. And she was also going back to doing evil things as one of her first moves was to launch the girl with the whip into the air before making her great escape with the books. Nancy tried to lasso her with her web string (because chasing her outside would be very annoying) but all she got was some books. Well at least she managed to save some of the books right...ugh. And with that, Almaniac managed to fly out of the window and leaving them barricaded in with the tables over the windows and the doors shut. So not only did they have to worry about chasing her down, but they would have to find a way out first, well at least the girl that had gotten sent flying got caught before she could get hurt so that was good. But still, this whole hero thing was sounding less and less appealing...Well at least they had another hero show up, so maybe that would be less work, or not, who knew. Then they all started to talk with one another, and the eagle dude decided he was going to try and step up and try to be the boss. Nancy was pretty sure teamwork was important, but she wasn't about to just follow some guy who decided he was going to be the red power ranger all of a sudden. Though she did help free some of the students that were trapped. Just because she was starting to dislike someone didn't mean that she would just leave others to be trapped. Once that was done, roll call started. Nancy took in all the names that were given and she was one of the last ones to say her hero name. "Okay um, I got a spider theme going on and my name is...let's see...I'll probably be sued or something if I go with spider girl...You can call me Spinstress" It sounded like a good name at first...till Nancy remembered what people usually refer to when they say that. Ah well, she was too lazy to change it and she wasn't going to ask the guy who was ogling her and the other girls for name suggestions. "As for who we are underneath our masks, I would rather not mix my now two lives. That, and we're surrounded by people who are not heroes." She added as she gestured to all the people they just freed who were staring at all of them. Did Talon think they all would just ignore what they would say or something? Anyways, soon after Bold Badger (Nancy got the feeling she was going to start calling her BB eventually. Maybe later she would ask if that would be okay) told everyone she could lead the kids out. But they still had to find a way for the rest of the heroes to get out as Skrleros didn't look like he could fit in it. "Okay, guys, any plans on how we ourselves can get out of here?" She asked the others. "I mean, it shouldn't be that hard right...Maybe one of you can destroy the table's blocking the windows? I would but," She held up her web string, "unless I make a giant sticky wrecking ball, I don't think I'm going to be much use right now."