A case of someone getting too big for the seat they're in. Making moves without explicit permission shows that they're getting in over their head. Disciplinary measures would need to be taken. If the guy isn't outright killed, he'll probably wish he was, but given the nature of this character I'm willing to bet that's the last they see of him. Goshikuro wants him to suffer, so the lackey does things he's in a position to do, without being certain of Goshikuro wanting it other than "He hates Yoko and this would upset Yoko, therefore it's genius to do this." when in actuality he had exposed Goshikuro too soon, since Yoko is going to pick up on that energy sooner or later. Goshikuro can be killed easily outside of his full strength returning to him. It's too soon to risk being found out, and that lackey is going to cost him everything. People like him can be replaced. It's just a matter of how much Kurama can figure out. Being close to Botan as he helps remove the corruption from her body with his own energy--similar to how Botan helped revitalize the withering plant in the greenhouse--could help him solve that puzzle. After you, m'lady.