[hr][hr][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/xYKmI37.png[/img][hr][hr] [img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/605c0305ff2c10bff37c09a5dffed548/tumblr_mx9ul2LEfn1qekck2o2_250.gif[/img] [b][u]Location;[/u][/b] His Dormroom [b][u]Interacting With;[/u][/b] Jackson [sub]([@SomewhatAverage])[/sub], texing Brenna [sub]([@smarty0114])[/sub] and Gianna [sub]([@Lovely Complex])[/sub], reading Eliana's diary [sub]([@Lovely Complex])[/sub] [b][u]Mood;[/u][/b] Suprised → confused → Mischievous and a tiny bit guilty → Villainously excited → Planning → Teasing[/center] [hr] He saw Gia exiting his dorm. Which was both the most expected thing he could imagine from her, and the weirdest at the same time. Expected, because he knew she'd sleep anywhere but in her own bed after a party. It was Gia after all. But he did not think that Jackson could have pulled it off in such short notice. Was the guy a natural? Never the less, Lucas entered his own dorm like a man with purpose. He looked at Jackson for a moment, observing him and said: [color=662d91]"I'm taking you out with me and you're going to be my wingman. No discussion."[/color] he chuckled, but swiftly moved forward again. He grabbed a chair and stood on it, lifting the ceiling tile of his secret stash. Pulling both a, energy drink and Elliana's diary. He then looked at Jackson, realizing he was Mayweather. [color=662d91]"If you ever tell about this, I'll tear you apart where you stand."[/color] he said it jokingly. But over the years of bully he mastered to make 'jokingly' sound just a little bit threatening. Not caring for Jackson's response he came back down. After he opened the energy drink he took a seat, and began to read the diary. [hider=Diary Entry #1] Entry 12.23.2014 [i]Junior year. No friends. And everyone is giving me weird stares thanks to my supposed BFF (Ex BFF now). Merry Christmas, Ellie! Fuck you, [s]Bree[/s] Brenna. Jeez, I need to stop using her damn nickname. Do I regret saying those things to her? Absolutely fucking not. After what she did to me, I will fully believe she is a manipulative cunt that doesn't know the meaning of friendship. Poor Donny... I wonder what she did to him. Well, that's besides the point. Ooooooh, if she starts shit with me, I'll make sure she never wished she did. Woah, calm down. Don't need to get all vicious on this bitch. Once again, I'm hated and people who should be frowned upon are glorified. That's life. I should have known better than to think she'd be someone worth investing my heart in. After all we've been through and... I hate people. I hate them so much. I guess this just makes my mother more right, as always. She never did trust her and could smell the spite right off of her back. God, I'm so gullible. I need to stop getting close to people, it'll only lead to me doing stupid things.[/i] [right][indent][i]Cheers to my mental peace...[/i] [indent][img]http://i.imgur.com/KSAUOa4.png[/img][/indent][/indent][/right] [/hider] Brenna!? Brenna knows Eliana!? This came to more than a shock to Lucas. In the year he and Brenna actually began to know eachother she never even once mentioned Eliana. Hell, not even now, in the month that they were in Mayweather did she utter the name. Why!? Why was Brenna holding that information back? Especially when she knows, and she has to know, about his feud with her former BFF. It summoned so many questions for Lucas. But it also plastered a smirk on his lips. He felt strangely proud that Brenna managed to hit Eliana far before he even knows about her or she became a big, damn thorn in his side. [hider=Diary Entry #2] Entry 01.04. 2015 [i]"I bet you want him to pin you down good." [center]"You like it rough, don't you, Ellie?"[/center] [right]"Virgins have the best thoughts. I'd like some of that."[/right] [center]"Get away from me, you fucking perv."[/center] "Aw, Ellie. I knew you had a sexual deviant in you. Here's my number. Give me a call."[/i] [center]"Sex in the library? You're gross."[/center] [right]"I... don't think we should talk."[/right][center][h3][i][b]I HATE HER. I HATE HER. I HATE HER.[/b][/i][/h3][/center] [i]Why does high school suck!? I don't care if people think I'm a virgin, but a pervert? I didn't know she got those entries too... Everyday school becomes more and more of a living hell. I'm either viewed as some easy ass piece of meat or something taboo. They act like they don't have thoughts like that but the entire school is filled with sluts, whores, and sex crazed assholes. Oh my god, goody two shoes Ellie wanted to fuck her crush. I'm a person who finds the act of sex to be intimate, personal, and adventurous. Thank you very much. If Donny didn't end up with Brenna and if I fell in love with him, we could have very well had sex. I have every right to do with my body as I please! Even better if it's with a man I have feelings for. I hate her so much... [/i] [right][i]Let the countdown to graduation begin.[/i] [img]http://i.imgur.com/KSAUOa4.png[/img][/right][/hider] Juicier than a smoothie. It was the first thought of Lucas. Brenna managed to get the sexual fantasy spread over her entire school. It felt perfect. But then again, it felt wrong too. Was this where he drew the line? He was a virgin himself, something not many people would think of him. With, once again, sole exception: his sister. Most assumed that with Gianna, he would have lost it since the start of the year. And those who know him better probably assumed that he lost it in high school. But no, he too was still a virgin. He shoved the pity asside, it was a useless emotion. One that wouldn't win him this feud. To curb it, he decided not to use the virgin-card. But all the rest, that was fair play. Eliana could expect some horrible comments if he ever found her with a book or in the library. [hider=Diary Entry #3] Entry 02.14.2015 [i]Happy Birthday, Ellie! Man. Why did I have to be a V-Day baby? Makes me gag. Oh! I found pictures in my locker. Someone took the time to draw out my fantasies - how kind of them. Well, I'm not going to waste my day thinking about the childish antics of high schoolers. Tonight it's just going to be fam. Daddy has a surprise for me. No one is telling me anything. Surprises frustrate me, but I'll play along. My theories of what the surprise is: Maybe some songbooks to go with Charlotte? Hm. Or more novels to add to my collection! One day, I'll have an entire library all to myself. But... even Jenna is being all secretive and she's usually piss poor at keeping her mouth shut. There's this new observatory that I've been meaning to visit, but that wouldn't make sense. It's probably closed at night... eh. I'll just wait in agonizing curiosity. Here's a Bday poem! :D[/i] [center][h3][color=darkcyan]My Stars[/color][/h3][sub](OOC: Copyright. This is a poem written by lovely complex.)[/sub] [color=lightgray]I’m a girl, who is bound to dream, as I walk on a thin string Where the destination is unknown and the obstacles continue to grow. I’d wish at night clutching a weary bear close to the beating sound of my chest In hopes the next day would be the day that every princess comes to see, The day where her dreams become a perfect reality, And her gaze never forgets the intensity of the stars. I’m a woman, who is approaching the world, with a wider lens Where the pictures I take are contrasting to those of her peers and Their dynamic colors wash over a piece with complete ease. As if beauty Is a virus you can only get from another artist’s vision and what you offer as a painter, Is an empty vial that needs the seal of approval from your claymaker, And her gaze will never forget the image of those stars. I’m a soul, whose been tested in a lab, with needles and thread Where the hanging light silhouettes the men and the movie fades To the next scene and it’s the shimmering light that resonates with the audience Together, hand in hand, we rise from our seats and my prevailing smile reveals the two in me. The curtain closes and she acknowledges a masterpiece, the long desired dream, And her unforgettable gaze shines the brilliance of her stars.[/color][/center] [right][indent][indent][img]http://i.imgur.com/KSAUOa4.png[/img][/indent][/indent][/right] [/hider] He closed the book, for now. Perfection seldom came that pure towards anyone. For a moment he held the book in his hands. A grimoire of the girl's heart and he held it captive like a bird with broken wings. Hidden away. Every letter, a needle. Every sentence, a bullet. Every entry, a weapon of mass emotional destruction. Only on that moment did he realize just how powerful the diary was. But it made him think too. He could devastate the girl, and until 24 hours ago, that would have been his complete goal. But Gia gave him a mission, which meant that he had to be cautious now. But he would definitely hold the V-day baby against her. And aside from that, it was clear that the present was an important one. He had to discover what it was. Even if only so he had a secret weapon against her. Just in case. Swiftly closing the book, he put it back in the stash. After that he opened his phone. He first had to have a chat with Brenna: [center][quote][b]To:[/b] [color=powderblue]Brenna[/color] We need to talk. For real and it's important.[/quote][/center] After that he read his messages. Gianna had send one, not that long ago. He couldn't tell her the truth. The truth would only be his demise. Some things he held from Gia. Just like she held many from him. He assumed that the common practice made each other wise enough never to push certain subjects. Or maybe it was because both knew that, when the time was right, the other should know. No matter, he had to invent a lie. Luckily for him, in situations like this he was a born liar: [center][quote][b]To:[/b] [color=b53389]Gianna[/color] Chasing a cat that shouldn't be picked up without gloves ;) And it's not you for a change. Maybe even you can learn from this lil perv ;)[/quote][/center] He doubted she'd fully understand. But that would leave him the satisfaction to tell Gia about Ellie's not-so-innocent side. He could only imagine the face of Gianna.