Alright! This is a new pet project of mine, and I'd love to get some input from a few people, and hopefully form a group for the RP! I'll be looking for a small handful of players- Just enough to fit the set roles. Essentially, this RP will take place in a fantasy world, and will start days before the beginning of a man-made apocalypse: Fairly cliche, it'd revolve around one hell of an overpowered necromancer/warlock who's bringing on legions of the undead and raining the apocalypse down, all that jazz. The players would take the part of "The Five", a bloodline of five heroes called upon in the world's great times of need. The hero of light, of shadow, of nature, of magic, and of fury. (Comparing them to classic D&D roles, they would be paladin, rogue, ranger, mage, and barbarian. This is only a rough comparison however, and their abilities will generally vary by a lot.) Some weeks before the start of the apocalypse, each of these heroes- Born and raised into their role by their parent, the hero before them- received 'the call', the ancient signal that instinctively drives them to the meeting place of the original five. Once all of them have arrived, things begin to get... Interesting. Details on that, however, will wait until the RP proper. Plot spoilers, and all that. I'm hoping to get five players, so that I can sit back and GM the RP. However, if I can only get four, then I'll be taking on the role of the hero of Shadow- Purely because it will be easiest to maintain distance and GM as that particular hero, while still interacting as needed. For now, this intcheck is only to rally the players. Once we have enough, I'll deal with handing out the character sheets for each hero. This RP will be high-casual level, and spots won't be first come first serve- They'll go to the best CS for each character.