The woods were fairly quiet around her as, Crystal chanted her spell. Part of her wondered if this was going to even work, never having tried any sort of spell like this before now. Nor had she ever seen or delt with demons before, to her knowledge anyway. However, she couldn't let herself get distracted in her train of thought, or else she could ruin the whole spell altogether. Crystal's gray eyes opened, peeking up in front of her, her chatting stopping as she felt a shift of power in the circle. An extra pull on her engery as the two barriers was lifted not only the one to keep him inside but one to protect her from him as well. Yes she how done her homework like the cautious person she was. A proud smile on her face, as she saw that the spell had worked, the demon standing in front of her. Though she was a little surprised by its voice at it spoke to her, angry, deep, and intimating her smile disappeared at his question. Oh really and what could he have been doing in hell that was so important that he was unhappy being brought to earth? She had always thought that it would be something demons would be happy about, it didn't even cross her mind for a moment that he might have already been out and about. [Color=007236]"Actually yes it probably will."[/color] She answered him with a nod of her head as she stared up at him. [Color=007236][I]Ungrateful bastard isn't he.[/I][/color] Maybe it was foolish on her part, but she wasn't afraid of him at this very moment. She was protected by the salt circle and barrier around her for now, and even when that was gone she would be safe. After all he couldn't kill her after she bound him to her. [Color=007236]"I didn't summon you here just to look at your face, ya know."[/color] She said her tone laced thickly with sarcasm, before closing her eyes and starting to chant once more a bind that she had made herself. [Color=007236]"Leg to leg, wrist to wrist, keep him. Mind to mine, strength to thine, confine him. And to my will bind him."[/color] Her chant started out loudly so the he could hear what she was trying to do to him, before her words went to be a quiet whisper as she continued to chat her spell over and over again until she started to feel it start pull at her engery as she completely ignored his reaction the best that she could. Sure he wasn't angry but wasn't as though her spell said anything about making him actually stay at her side like a attack dog as the other spells she had found did. Simply to have him be forced to come to her whenever she wanted to use him for something. Some of the things maybe he would even enjoy.