[center][h1][i][color=9e0b0f]No Escape: Hit Squad[/color][/i][/h1][/center] [hr] When the US announced in 2012 that supernatural creatures such vampires, werewolves, demons, and shapeshifters were real, it was first met with healthy skepticism. The evidence was doctored, some said. Others thought it was some poor sad excuse of an April Fool's Joke. But the New Year's Massacre quickly made the public realize that supernaturals were real, when a dozen werewolves decided to rampage through a celebrating crowd in bloodlust. The NYPD was ill prepared for this sort of threat, and as a result almost all of the first responders on the scene were maimed or simply killed. Lead bullets seemed to do nothing. Tear gas barely made them slow down. Tasers were laughably ineffective. It was not until the fifth hour of the massacre were they stopped, when the military simply decided to bring in several Apache helicopters to unload all of their munitions on the rampaging supernaturals. However, by then, hundreds had died. Their motive was never discovered, nor was the common man too terribly interested on why it happened. No, they were more interested in defending their families from the "Supernatural" threat. The public demanded that these supernaturals be persecuted with extreme prejudice. Soon after the New Year's Massacre, several devices were created in order to detect any supernaturals hiding among the human population. If any supernaturals found, they were to be subdued and shipped to "internment camps", in order to figure out if each supernatural were a threat to the people. Heavily armed police and military personnel went door to door, searching for these supernaturals. Some came peacefully, other violently. Other countries quietly followed America's example, fearful of a similar massacre occurring in their borders. There was little success for advocacy for supernatural rights, as many in the public viewed them to be monsters. Several years has passed since the "Supernatural Apartheid". You are one of the supernaturals unlucky to find themselves in an Internment camp built for supers. In reality, It is nothing more than an over glorified concentration camp, with supernaturals left to die. However, a representative of the government has approached you inside the camp, offering you a choice. Stay in the camp and rot to death, or come work for the government as part of a secret black ops team. Make no mistake, you are simply fodder for the government. They will send you on missions considered too high risk and profile to send their own human forces in, and if you are caught alive, you simply do not exist to them. Congrats. You are now nothing but a pawn to your government, in some sort of suicide squad. For now at least, there is [i][b][color=9e0b0f]No Escape...[/color][/b][/i] [hr] Basically the premise of this rp is that you, the player, will be part of a Supernatural Black Ops team, with the promise that after four year of service, you will get your freedom. Every supernatural will be kept under a tight leash, and will be killing targets that the government can not usually touch. Targets will vary. Perhaps late into the rp you may plan to escape the government's control, but for now, it seems you are stuck killing whoever the government wishes to die for the foreseeable future. Or at least four years. I really want this rp to thrive, as it's an idea I've been toying with for ages, so yes, I will be looking for frequent posts. No, I'm not asking you to post everyday, but I would want you to post a few times a week. Sorry, it's just that I find most rps die when people stop posting for a while. That being said, I am usually lenient and if you are truly busy, I will control your character somewhat so other players can still advance in the plot. I won't bug you to post everyday, but I will probably be trying advancing the plot at least once a week, so keep that in mind. I will be attempting to be a decent gm, but if players don't post I can't do much. If this rp gets enough interest, I will post a thread further detailing CS application, rules, and more plot. Feel free to ask me any questions.