[h1][center][color=Fuchsia]Katya [/color][/center][/h1] Katya had stopped working, coming up with battle plans with PDF commander until the last second the Cruxi arrived. Both of them trying to workout the best way to hold Joppa. Sadly thought no amount of preparation would ready the Bravo squad and the PDF force, passing along what information Sigma had been given in it briefing about the MIST. Hoping in some small way it would help or at least keep the PDF from directly attacking it and getting a lot of people killed. As much as she didn't like it she hoped the PDF would leave the MIST to her and the rest of Bravo who in her mind had a better chance of eliminating the threat. As to how to do that Katya had a few ideas, but wasn't sure if any of them would work Or usable once the fighting started. It would all come down to how the enemy deployed themselves, hopefully Elora predictions would be right. As it would make taking out the Cruxi out a little bit easier. When the sky was lit up with Flash of light, Katya stopped what she was doing knowing what that flash meant. Wincing as her comm unit screeched at her, Katya looking at her Hyperwave seeing a jamming field was in place. However the array automatically boosted its signal and was able to maintain a link to the command channel, Katya breathing a sigh of relief. As the array sent a automatic status update to the NOAH. Looking up Katya watched as the first wave of Cruxi came crashing down on the planet like sandstorm. [color=Fuchsia]"By my ancestors ..."[/color] she muttered trailing off distracted by a something else that fell from the sky. It unlike the troop ships or plasma that was raining down on the planet. Whatever this was seemed to pulsate and swirl like it was alive. When Katya saw that something else was her eyes went wide. [color=Fuchsia]"SHIT! They've deployed MIST already! Crap! I was hoping for some time before we had to deal with that."[/color] Katya stated to herself looking up at MIST feeling a pang of dread, Katya finding the weapon to be quite intimidating. The moment the weapon was fully deployed Katya noticed she and Paladin along with PDF base where in it firing range. The young woman cursing as she opened up a line to every member of Bravo squad to give order. [color=Fuchsia][i]"Time to rise to the occasion Katya ... I hope ... I don't get my comrades killed ... I don't think I'd be able to live with myself if I did."[/i][/color] she thought her worry about buggering up her first command creeping back into her mind. Her sync rate dropping slightly as her confidence in her ability to lead once again dropped. She needed at least part of the battle to go well before she could place any trust in herself and if things went horribly wrong, Katya wasn't sure what she'd do. Clearing her throat Katya pushed the negative feelings as deep downing into her as she could. It still lingering but for now she could ignore it and focus on leading her squad no matter what happened, she could break down and cry later provided she lived though the battle. [color=Fuchsia]"Alright Bravo this is it! I'm trusting all of you to do your best, together we will hold this colony!"[/color] She said, trying her hand at giving the squad a few words that might inspire them and project that she was confidant in herself and the squad to do it's job. Recalling in her training commanders should appear to be confident, as it was meant to help with squad morale. As she spoke Katya pulled up a battle plan she worked on in case the Cruxi didn't land in the predicted areas. Minimizing it Katya took a quick deep breath now was the time to give her first orders. [color=Fuchsia]"First I'm ordering all of you to spend as little time a possible in the MISTs range of fire. We don't know when they might fire that thing so be careful. Right Ariin and Zero engage the Cruxi in grid H3, I'll back you two up. Mia engage Cruxi grid H8. If you need to try to lead it towards the PDF base me or Ariin will then back you up. Elora there's a Cruxi in grid F2 do what you can to keep it busy, if you can destroy it by all means do so, but don't push yourself. We'll back you up as soon as we have eliminated our targets."[/color] With her orders given she hoped the rest of Bravo would respond quickly and do as she wanted them. Right now she didn't need someone doing their own thing. Katya thinking that only by working as a unit would they have and hope of winning this battle. Not wanting to waste anytime Katya positioned herself within the PDF to provide a good firing position on the Cruxi war Machines aiming at one of them she fired a shot. The battle had began, Katya now fully focused on the tasks she had at hand. [hider=Movement and attacks] Caretaker remains put in G4 attacking CWMs in H3 with Marker Light [/hider]