[quote=@Kibaro] [@Yamazaki] can i use sling + shield together like one hand sling other hand shield for let's say weapon set 1, and just scythe for weapon set 2? the AC would change acordingly ofc understood, will stay with the +2 on chosen AS :) i thought you get a feat and it can be activated once you attain certain requirements, that being said, how does one get feats as they level up cause i couldn't find that info? picked Toughness since i'm quite low on the HP, how does [url=http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/combat-feats/agile-maneuvers-combat]Agile Maneuvers[/url] or [url= http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/combat-feats/weapon-focus-combat---final]Weapon Focus[/url] sound to you for my char? i like the maneuvers one since it'll pump up my CMB, but i'm not 100% sure how much melee or range my char would be, i'm thinking around 60% range, 40%melee depending on the situation, but yeah an opinion would be welcomed :) picked 3 traits and 1 flaw (2 normal +1 from having a flaw, is that acceptable?) and until the sheet will fill up, i'll keep my stuff on there for now, but will do as you say eventually :) thanks a lot for the feedback and help:) [/quote] You can find the XP required, Feat gain and Ability Score Increases that you get through leveling your character in the [url=http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/character-advancement]Character Advancement[/url] section. You can't get weapon focus yet, since it requires a BAB of +1. That's the bonus to attacks that you get from your class, but not from any other sources. It's noted in the BAB column in the class table. If I'm not mistaken the druid is a 3/4 BAB class, so you'll get the BAB +1 at level 2. Druids in general are more spell-slingy than fighters, but they make amazing fighters after they get their wild shape feature. And 3 traits w/ 1 flaw is the standard acceptable set up, but usually not two of those traits can be from the same section. I wouldn't worry too much about that. Maybe our GM has some input on this.