[hider=George Stanley] Name:George Stanley Gender:Male Apparent Age/Actual Age:21/107 Title:Wyrmbane Appearance Height:5ft 10 inches Weight:147 pounds Hair: Outside of a seal, George's hair is a golden blond but when a seal is cast, his hair takes on the azure color of his flame Eyes: Outside of a seal,Light green but inside a seal, they turn the azure of his flame Skin:Pale Appearance:George looks like a typical British gentleman. he wears a black sports coat on top of a white undershirt at all times. His signature feature is his wearing of a azure fez since according to him he thinks a top hat is too stereotypical and besides he believes Fezes are cool. Bio Personality:George is an unflappably cheerful person. He is incredibly proper and a disciplinarian in front of his superiors and people he does not know or trust very well but around his brothers in arms, he is very laid back and will disobey orders if it will save a life. However, George gets incredibly depressed and temperamental on Christmas due to his background but by the next day, he usually recovers. He also likes to tease any American he sees about their past role as subjects of Britain but does not mean any harm. Likes:Fezes, Hot dogs, Hunting, and his fellow flame hazes Dislikes:Snakes, Non humanoid Tomogara, and Christmas Quirks:He is hostile to any non humanoid Tomogara with a fiery passion yet if they are humanoid he will consider hearing them out to see if they are a threat. Brief History:George's human life began on December 24th,1894. At the outbreak of World War One, George, then a university student studying Medieval English history, signed up for the military and fought with distinction in the trenches for the entirety of the war. The experience changed him and he came back an entirely new person. He had outgrown his early idealism and become increasingly haunt e by visions of the war in particular a Gas attack that occurred in his second year in the war.Returning home the day after his birthday due to a blizzard blocking the road the night before,he came upon his family village being devoured by a bestial Tomogara in the shape of a dragon. Hoping against hope, he ran to his home and held his sister as she died from the collapse of their home. As the Tomogara stomped towards him, He was offered the power to defeat it and save his sister. Signing the contract, he became a flame haze and handily defeated the Tomogara. Using his new found power to infuse his sister with the power of essence necessary to save her, he began to thank the Crimson Lord who had contracted him. However, when his sister woke up,she could not recognize him no matter what he did. His power to restore came with the price of erasing the subjects memory of his existence and there has not been a single human, torch, mystes, or denizen that remembered him afterwards. Now, he has joined the group of Flame Hazes in the hope he will find answers to how he can be remembered from a denizen of such power as the one in Boston. Combat Weapons:Lance/Sword that shifts based on the owners command nicknamed by George "Ascalon" Color of Flame:Azure Unrestricted Methods/Powers Forget me...Not?:George can use a portion of a defeated denizens or even his own power of existence to heal a person and slow down the process of a torch's disappearance however as a consequence of this, the target will lose all memories it has of George. Ode to the hero:Recounting the tale of Saint George, George unleashes a single blow designed to sever the head of a monstrous denizen that clearly outmatches George. This ability only works on non humanoid denizens over 2x times Georges height the more powerful the denizen the more passages of the Legend George must recount. Ascalon-Transforms his weapon into a replica of St. Georges legendary weapon Ascalon granting it increased damage and it's user flame resistance Equipment:Same as Weapons but carries a cell phone on which he calls any person he has healed before in a "prank call" in order to make sure they are still existing. Crimson Lord Name:Setsuna True Name/Title:Sound of the End Gender:Male Keepsake:Medallion which has at its center a crystal rose. It was a gift his sister had given George prior to his enlistment. Personality:Sound of the End is the model medieval paladin in terms of behavior. He is chivalrous to a fault brave and caring about others. His only flaw lies in his strict code of honor which he demands George to uphold which makes George never perform a sneak attack. [/hider]