Lucy had a stupid grin on her face as she followed the Dragon, a Dragon who also happened to be a doctor of some sort. Maybe dragonology, maybe dragon medicine, maybe something else but the possibilities were endless. However she also wondered where this dragon had gotten it's doctorate or if perhaps it was an honorary title. That thought was soon abandoned as she caught sight of the banquet. It was apparently very easy to forget one's hunger when surrounded by creatures she had thought of as myths until a very short time ago. She realized in her hurry that she had forgotten her luggage but apparently that was gone, which was fine. This was all fine, even if her stuff was gone for good. Putting the bigger problems aside she decided to solve easiest ones first, why worry about her stuff when her hunger problem was practically already solved. She slid her self into a seat near the other two girls one had just introduced herself a Jenny. It was that time Lucy loved most of any gathering, the connection making. Yes, the first-impression was wonderful as it would leave these people convinced she was a maniac or head over heels with her charm. Though Lucy could say that the second had almost never happened, she would not loose hope. After picking out anything that looked sweet, which was mostly just desserts, she looked at the other two girls. "Well this is pretty peachy, though I think my students will be a little sad when I don't return, hopefully someone sorted that out." She grinned at both of them, "I'm Lucy by the way." Her voice had a hint of something foreign in it as if the broken English of others had changed her own. She then chose to adress Jo's question, "Well I feel like this is a lot like that movie, with the kid and the dragon, we're going to learn about dragons. Well except we aren't vikings and its not really like that at all." Lucy shrugged, she had never questioned the wonderful, others did not always feel the same but she wasn't in the position to dish out life philosophies like they were the delicious food she was ready to eat.