[center][h1][color=#00ff00]Jack Hudson[/color][/h1][img]http://foreveryoungadult.com/_uploads/images2/spn_4x11Humans.gif[/img][/center][hr][center]Location: DMV in Carrollton, Georgia[/center][hr][hr]Jack woke up quickly, a cold sweat on his forehead. He had dreamed of a distress call like any other he might have received in Chicago. A woman's husband was getting abusive, and he went with his partner to respond. They had kicked down the door, and once inside, the husband had been armed. The dream grew blurrier and blurrier by the moment, but he felt his chest, expecting a bullet. There was nothing there. He let out a soft breath, allowing himself to calm down. He had been in Georgia for a while, though he didn't know the exact time. Last night, he had stumbled upon what looked like a DMV office, painted white with an orange roof. Hardly anyone seemed to be around, and it was as good a place to sleep as any. Gone were the days when he and Sutton could take turns keeping watch. Jack only had himself to rely on. He had slipped inside the DMV as quietly as possible. After doing a quick sweep of the place (too quick for his liking), he had let his exhaustion get to him, and collapsed after barricading himself in the tiny bathroom. He had used his rope and a few clove hitches to close off the door as best as he could. He then went over the entire area, covering up any windows and such he found with his tarp, in order to keep anyone from seeing inside. Then, with the lid down on the toilet seat, he had slept sitting up, gun in one hand, knife in the other. If all went well, no walkers would be able to come inside, as if anyone was going to be killing Jack Hudson, it was going to be Jack Hudson. Not some dead pisser, that's for sure. Listening carefully, Jack couldn't help but be wary. Anything, or anyone, could have come inside the building while he slept. He had spotted what might have been crawl space earlier when he first entered, and suspected that someone might have been hiding down there. Of course, his memory of the previous day was so hazy, due to his sleep deprivation and desperate need to get access to some water. Distantly, Jack heard crash and a thud, and he couldn't help but swear. It was either some undead sonovabitch or some poor bastard. He gathered his tarp up from the window and quickly folded it into a sack, putting his supplies inside. Keeping his gun and knife on him, he removed the rope from the door, and tied them into almost straps for the sack. Slinging it over his shoulders nearly like a backpack, he opened the bathroom door softly, and went in search of the noise. His knife had slipped into his pocket, and he held his gun at the ready, moving silently from area to area. He made his way towards the back of the DMV, he quickly spotted the source of the noise. There was some girl flailing on the ground with a walker. [i]Good morning to you too, sunshine,[/i] Jack thought quietly to himself, not wanting to alert the walker. Or potentially any of its friends. Walking towards it, Jack kicked at the walker, hoping to send it the walker back, against one of the walls if possible. [color=00ff00]"You got any other friends beyond this pissah?"[/color] Jack asked, glancing over at the girl. He quickly switched his gun for his knife, and stabbed the walker in its brain. He pulled his hunting knife free and wiped it against the wall, prodding the walker with his foot, as if to ensure that he really had killed it. Chuckling a bit, he did a quick inspection of the rest of the room, before offering a hand to the girl. [color=00ff00]"I'm Jack,"[/color] he offered with a small smile.