Zim had been waiting, so when the flash of light ripped open the sky Zim immediately started charging the Wave Surger that covered Blackstar's left hand. It wouldn't be enough time to have it ready to fire in time to attack incoming machines. As the plasma blasts fell from the sky it became abundantly clear that Zim wouldn't need the range immediately any ways as a pod of three CWMs and a fourth unit of some kind landed within striking distance. It didn't take more then but a moments hesitation before the command came through the cleared comm line. Zim was to be a front line combatant in H3 with remote support from Paladin and Caretaker. "Understood," Zim said as he activated the thermal switch on the Scythe, he kept Wave Surger charging. When the enemy was this close there was no need to activate the stealth functionality of his equipment, but he kept his armor wings down for the added protection. There was likely little to no advantage that it would give him. He glanced over at this sync rate: 52%. Still no time for fancy maneuvers, but it should be enough to get him where he was intended to go. "Alright, Partner, lets see what we can do!" Zim said to his Framewerk. He punched the throttle forward hoping to make a charge on H3 and catch the Cruxi while they were still getting situated on the ground. Three silvery biomechanical masses stood there together. As he approached he prepared to engage in basic evasive maneuvers, the armor wings may be able to take some damage, but the truth was that it was still too early in combat to count on that keeping him safe. Once he was within H3 he opened up his wings and folded them out of the way. He would try his luck on one of the ranged combatants if he could, trying to take one of them out before they had a chance to engage Caretaker and Paladin. Blackstar was designed to be able to take apart an opponent piece by piece and leave important parts behind for study, but Zim wasn't experienced enough yet to know what he could and could not cut off to incapacitate his foe. For now, he aimed for complete destruction. With the Scythe low to the ground Zim hoped to take a cut up through the torso at a diagonal from Zero's right to left. This way, if the CWM dodged he was in position to follow through with a second attack, a horizontal swipe intended to take off the 'head' of the unit. Ideally, Zim would have made this into a full 360 swing, but he just wasn't comfortable enough doing that kind of maneuver just yet. So he played it safe and kept with the smaller motions. [hider=plain text] Blackstar moves from I4 to H3. Engages ranged CWM. Continues charging Wave Surger (two charges, fire-able next round) [/hider]