Skleros was outraged to say the least. This… this TALON guy certainly had some guts. First he ogles the female members like a gigantic creep, then he demands their secret identities as if he’d never read a superhero comic and then he has the GALL to talk to them as if he were their leader. "I have an idea that's so crazy it just might work.” That was the final straw. To suggest such an outlandish and ridiculous idea fuelled a rage that Aaron rarely ever felt. It made him feel so … offended! He should have been the one to come up with this awesome plan! How dare this perverted jerkface think up something so brilliant. Aaron suddenly felt very sulky. He took an angry step towards Talon and poked him in the chest. [color=fdc68a]“Crazy plans like this … are my favourite kind of plans,”[/color] he begrudgingly spat, [color=fdc68a]“Now I don’t like the way you talk at us, or the way you’re staring at the ladies in our group. But I know a good plan when I see one. I’ll co-operate, for now. But only ‘cos there’s a telekinetic book-themed psychopath terrorising the city that we need to stop.” [/color] [color=fdc68a]“And as for you nasty brats,”[/color] Skleros boomed at the newly released students, [color=fdc68a]“you heard Birdman here! Start cleaning. Maybe this will be a lesson for all of you to treat the faculty better.”[/color] Then he walked towards the door they were planning to break, giving it a once over. Yeah, this plan could work. Skleros rolled his shoulders before shouting the magic words. [color=fdc68a]“Armor Up!”[/color] He felt himself becoming bigger, more powerful. By the time the transformation finished, he was twice his usual height. Skleros found himself able to curl up into a ball and did so. [color=fdc68a]“Ready when you are,”[/color] he shouted, his voice slightly muffled by his new position as a human wrecking ball.