[@Yamazaki] { isn't entangle a persisten AOE? as in each round EVERYONE that is in or enters it must make save rolls or become entagled, it's not like 1 time stun, it's every round stun unless you save, for everyone, like in Baldurs Gate, NEVER liked that spell tbh, which is probably why i'm reluctant to try it, it just seems like a hinder to the party, even IF it does fuck up foes as well, entangle is good if i entangle, and everyone attacks from range, but that's it took your advice and got a dagger, can you explain the ussage of daggers when grappeled/swallowed please? :) remind me what does proficiency with a weapon do? does it give any bonuses or is it just a requirement for stuff like feats and what not } [@Speedwagon] { being a druid, i'd like to have an animal pet but don't really have the money to buy one, you said i could roll an Animal Handle check to see if i can get one from the forest, btw this would be a pet that i had for a long time from when i was younger, so it's like a friend, not just a one time use commodity, let me know what you think please :) also how will the battles take place rolling wise? here on the forum and we'll have to wait for everyone to be on and do the roll, or gather in a chat with rolls and do it there? just curious :) } and thanks for the help guys :) really appreciate it ^.^ can't wait to start the campaign, btw...when WILL it start? :D