[@Wade Wilson] .. which ironically was done by a gay muslim man that couldn't cope with being homosexual. Trust me, I know homosexuals have it hard in America, but so do a lot of other groups. I would be ok with a gay pride celebration if it happened in private, and someone hired off a gigantic hall to have the 'gay fair' or something. We have a kamasutra fair in the Netherlands where everything to do with sex gets showcased in a big event. I've never been because I have no interest in that kind of stuff, but I heard it's a lot of fun if you're into that shit. Same goes for gay pride. It could be quite an event and I'd fully support it, but right now they're just going 'well, we're a minority, so you'll have to accept that we want to celebrate in public and do some indecent shit, or else I'll call you homophobe or bigoted!' I can't support that at all.