Karl nodded in agreement. Their job was to recon the area for any signs of anything, a fence was more then enough reason to investigate, even if it looked like it hadn't been maintained in forever. "Right. Okay let's move out then. Keeps your eyes open, just in case. For all we know those green things back at the entrance could have made this." It took the group about 20 minutes to follow the fence over the hill to it's origin. The burnt out ruins of what appeared to be a farm house and a barn, along with some other smaller buildings. It wasn't recent though and you didn't have to be an expert to see that. Most of the ash was gone and plants had started to grow up in some of the ruins, this farm had obviously been destroyed a long time ago. Two things, however stood out. Littered about where withered, burned wooden shafts, probably arrows of some sort. And the other was a dagger sticking out of one of the burnt posts on what would've been the farmhouse. The dagger was in good condition, albeit very rusted, and was most likely placed there after the fire. The final thing that was noticeable was a fading path, that connected to a larger path that conveniently led off into the mountains. "Well, whatever was here isn't anymore. Hmm... That path there leads towards the mountains, we can take that. If there is an easy way through them this path would probably lead us there." He turned to the group. "Right, okay we'll take a 5 minute break and then continue." Turning back towards the burned down house, Karl started to take a closer look at the dagger. Probably a message from whoever attacked whoever.