[center][img]https://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/xeu1ryw2n9azlrjkvlrd.png[/img][/center] [h2][b]Issue #0: Prologue[/b][/h2] [h3][b]Pt.1 "The King of Wakanda"[/b][/h3] [hr][center][b]Location:[/b]Somewhere in Waknda[/center][hr] [center][h1]Three Months Ago[/h1][/center] The soldier panted, running for his life and looking behind him. Sweat ran down his forehead, the African goon yelled for help. He was being chased by something, that he couldn't recognize. It was a Panther Man, a monster of some sort. He called out for the rest of his group in the jungle. But all he could hear was the rustling of leaves behind him. The Black Panther jumped from a tree, and on top of the goon, landing feet first! The godon fell on the ground, screaming out as the sound of his rib cage being crunched. [color=black]"Who sent you here?!"[/color] The Black Panther questioned, drawing his claws out. [color=black]"You raided a village of innocent men, women, and children. I will not go easy on you."[/color] He grabbed the goon by the chest, as the goon coughed and tried to push him off. The Panther dug one of his claws into the goon's arm. He screamed out, "I don't know! I - I was just sent here to do my job!" The goon sputtered. [color=black]"Do NOT lie to me."[/color] The Panther said, as he dug another claw into the goon's arm. The goon groaned in pain, sweating bullets. [color=black]"Now tell me, who wanted you to kill my family!"[/color] He yelled at the goon. "Wait - Who, who are you!?" The goon asked, realizing slowly as his eyes widened. "I'm just a mercenary, and my army was told to kill the royal family of Wakanda, that's all I know!" The Black Panther had let go of him, then rammed his foot into the merc's jaw. Taking him unconscious. So it wasn't a terrorist group that killed his brother and father. They were paid to do so. [center][h1]Now[/h1] [img]http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/10/101416/2392595-wakanda.png[/img][/center] [hr][center][b]Location:[/b] The Udaku Palace[/center][hr] After following leads about this mercenary group, T'Challa Udaku, the Black Panther found out something. They were being given weapon supplies of advanced weapons that no one should have their hand on. Explaining how they were able to kill M'Baku Udaku and T'Chaka Udaku. T'Challa rubbed his face, in the kitchen sink. He packed his bags and such, the people who didn't know his identity thought this was a business trip to the States. But it really wasn't. He already knew the dealer was in New York, so it was time to go.