[center][color=crimson][h1]Evetta Berensdóttir[/h1][/color] [img]http://images6.fanpop.com/image/photos/37900000/Chloe-Moretz-chloe-moretz-37944350-500-230.gif[/img] [u]Location:[/u] S.H.I.E.L.D Atrium [u]Interactions:[/u] (Rolling eyes at) Copen [@Chicogal], Magni [@Winter Kitten], (Also rolling eyes at) Erik [@Dethran] [hr][hr][/center] [i][color=crimson]"Alright then... not over dressed nor under dressed; hair tamed correctly; decent amount of make-up. Or is it decent? Am I wearing too much of it? Or not enough?"[/color][/i] All of this thought with a heavy sigh, Eva paused in her fussing in front of the mirror. She was currently hiding in the bathrooms of the Academy, wanting to fix herself before entering the atrium. Except there was nothing there to fix. Or was there? [i][color=crimson]"Gods above Evetta. Get a hold of yourself! Since when did you care so much for first impressions?"[/color][/i] After a firm and silent telling off to herself, Eva forced herself out of the bathroom and towards the atrium. Honestly? She didn't know why she was worrying so much. Probably a nervous tick that had surfaced over the years at home, and likely a sign of her underlying trust issues with... well, anyone or anything alien. And one couldn't get much more alien than a whole different realm. Midgard. Eva was certain she had been here before; she knew intricate and obscure things that only would be known by someone who had spent time on the planet. Songs, snippets of history, random facts and pop culture... they were all pieces in her broken memory, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't fit them together. And that in itself was part of the reason why she came here. As for her other reasons? They were varied, and protecting the earth wasn't particularly high on the list, she was somewhat ashamed to admit. Still, she would not ignore those duties while trying to achieve her more personal ones. Upon entering the atrium, a smile surfaced on her face to see Copen waving at her, enthusiastic grin upon his own face. [i][color=crimson]"Well, I'm glad one of us is enjoying themselves."[/color][/i] She thought with a light chuckle, noticing another figure as she took her seat beside another blond girl. Tall, Alf, and a magic user, no less? She met his flirtatious look with a smile and a roll of her eyes. She had visited Alfheim a few times as a child, and recalled good memories of the place. It had the most beautiful forests, far more ethereal and delicate than the sturdy oak forests of Vanaheim. Eva watched on as others in the atrium introduced themselves - also darting a quick smile at Magni as he entered. Next came a girl with a metal arm (Eva's curiosity immediately piqued; the science of Midgard was truly spectacular to replace full limbs); then the girl she had sat by - Charity - revealed her own amazing power of solar energy manipulation. Eva knew a few spells that could allow the manipulation of such energies, but she highly doubted they would reach the same power levels as her fellow student. To be allowed to fly with such powers? Incredible. The next introductions were amusing to watch, and seeing the interactions between Rain and Camden brought a grin to Eva's face, even doing something to ease the knot of unrest in her stomach. Seeing the joy of a reunion, and the subsequent embarrassment of gaining everyone's attention, reminded Eva that most - if not all - the people here were in the exact same boat as she was. Probably running from something, with some kind of strange talent, and in an unfamiliar place. As Camden sat down once again - an awkward gait to his step as he returned, Eva took a deep yet quiet breath and stood up with a smile. [color=crimson]"I guess I'll take the spotlight from you. My name is Evetta Berensdóttir, and yes, even on Asgard it's a mouthful to say all at once. So, feel free to call me Eve or Eva, most people do."[/color] She paused, fiddling with a button on her shirt sleeve almost absent-mindedly as she talked. [color=crimson]"As stated, I'm from Asgard. My talents lay very much with magic - usually if someone asks me for a spell, I can manage the basics of what is required, if not manage the full task. And..."[/color] Eva paused once more, pondering over whether or not to add her... memory problems. Surely it would come up in idle conversation? All it would take would be for someone to ask what she did for her sixteenth birthday, or where she'd learnt a particular song. [color=crimson]"I'm.. also... sort of missing some of my memory. I only mention this so I do not appear as rude when I don't share stories of my past. That's about it for me, I suppose - oh, wait. Swords."[/color] Her grin returned at this, recalling one of the skills she had the most pride in. [color=crimson]"I am rather skilled at swordplay. I enjoy training in it, and using it on the battlefield; while my magic may prove more useful in those endeavours, there is something satisfying in brandishing a length of steel at your enemy."[/color] On that - interesting - note, Eva shared a smile with the room once more, and sat down, feeling far more at ease now than when she had entered.