Catherine didn't really reply anything to the sister that was mentioning how they observed hers and Adrianne's confrontation. She didn't really find it needed to give any reply to it. She wasn't wrong in her dislike of the psyker which probably meant the psyker wasn't also wrong in her displike of hte guardswoman. This seemed to be one of those point of view things, Catherine thought. She was going to find a way to repay to that annoying woman one way or another. This SoB base presented the perfect opportunity for that. Just needed to wait for hte proper chance. She followed the Sister of battle quietly after that, simply waiting to meet their leader that was going to lead them to their next inquisitor to serve. It was going to be interesting to see who's going to lead them from now on. Was it gona be a woman or a man? Which of the inquisitor types and so on. Eventually they saw Andromedai who seemed nice enough at first glance. Taking the order to take a seat, the guardswoman quickly complied and took position on one of hte chairs, waiting for whatever was going to happen. As she expected it was about the blown up mansion, heh that was going to be interresting if nothing else. She listened to the Sister aask the question, before quickly throwing a look to the rest of the group she arrived with and looked back at Andromedai. "According to my initial orders to infiltrate the cult, I've been gathering information for months." Catherine explained, suddenly pressing really hard against the right side of her jaw. An audible crunchining sound could be heard as she spit out what appeared to be a metal tooth." All the information is inside this. Photos of documents, faces, people, maps, anything really that could be potentionally of help. Inside it are details of another cult base on the planet, an underground one. Information about another planet in the system where chaos forces are gathering alongside another Chaos cult and information about an impending attack from Chaos forces somewhere in the system."