Oohh pictures! Original drawings are fantastic. :D [@BurningCold] Razsh'Kiall is really interesting, and I'm a sucker for mechanical prosthetics and explosions. If I could be picky here, keeping to the vein of clockwork (not steampunk) technology without a magical power source, if he wants to be able to move his limbs in a usable way he'll have to keep them wound up. Agree to that, and he's approved. :) [@Kaiachi] An automaton sounds pretty fun to me, but maybe a little discussion might be necessary to ensure it fits in with the world. Do you have ideas about how/why this particular automaton is conscious and aware? I can probably give you a few focus points on that, but I'd rather hear your ideas first! Also, also: same thing as above, since there is no magical power source she's going to have to keep herself wound up in order to continue functioning.