[quote=@chukklehed] [hider=Elissa] [Character Type]- [b]Star[/b] An Esper type with a unique ability that doesn't fit in any of the other classifications. [u][b]Data[/b][/u] [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider] [img]http://in2.ccio.co/oF/x4/a2/12c10fae1137cf81502bcef9f4f88a01.jpg?iw=300[/img] [/hider] [b]Name: [/b]de Kiermo, Elissa [b]Nickname/Alias:[/b] Subject 29313, Countess [b]Occupation:[/b] Teacher [b]Faction:[/b] [b]Nationality:[/b] European [b]Age:[/b] Unknown [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Blood Type: [/b] Undefined [b]Biography:[/b] Elissa is a natural born Esper, though for most of her life she thought she was merely a vampire. She was born wealthy and became accustomed to a certain lifestyle, so used her power to ensure she could live how she wanted. Her bite caused feelings of ecstasy in her victims, and eventually caused a druglike addiction, making them do whatever she wanted to feel it again. It was decades before she was captured by an envoy from Pyramid City and dragged in for study. She was eventually imprisoned permanently after making a thrall of one of her researchers and attempting to escape. She has only recently been released back into the city, wearing a control collar that will alert her wardens if her Prana rises above a certain level. [b]Personality: [/b][i]Playful[/i] Despite her recent hardships, Elissa retains a playful, almost flippant attitude in regards to others. She has a strange set of values, where she chooses a group of people to look after and those people are the only ones who matter. She protects her chosen flock as if they were an extension of herself, and before would only require some blood in return (anything else they wanted to give her would be graciously accepted). Now that she's forbidden from drinking from anybody but her designated warden, she simply follows the first half of that arrangement. [u][b]Quirks[/b][/u] Likes: Warm blood Obedience Sweets Dislikes: Dishonesty Senseless Violence Harm to her "flock" [u][b]Talents[/b][/u] [b]Skills:[/b] Cooking (anything except eggs) Fencing [b]Ability:[/b] Level Undefined [i][b]Sanguivore[/b][/i] Elissa drinks blood to increase her Prana levels. Most people find her ability distasteful and label her a monster for it, but she never drinks beyond a person's ability to heal, and her bite causes no pain. In fact, her victims often find themselves craving the feel of it again. As she drinks, she grows stronger, faster and tougher. Her senses become sharper, she can heal faster, and when her Prana reaches high enough levels, she can even use Escana, though this requires her to either drink enough to drain a normal person of their blood or drink from a level 10. She wears sunglasses and a wide brimmed hat during the day, since even at their lowest level her abilities make her sensitive to light and heat. [/hider] [/quote] I finished this