[center]::S K E L L Y S::[/center] [b]p l a y>>[/b][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/6485/posts/ooc]Whispers of Trinity[/url] [center][IMG]http://i58.tinypic.com/2vrv57q.jpg[/IMG] [b][i]"The only person who can pull me down is myself, and I'm not going to let myself pull me down anymore."[/i][/b] [u][b]n a m e[/b][/u] Carlisle Finch [u][b]a g e[/b][/u] 24 [u][b]g e n d e r[/b][/u] XX [u][b]c l a s s[/b][/u] The Exiled [u][b]p e r s o n a l i t y[/b][/u] Although her appearance is soft and kind looking, Carlisle is far from this trait. Although, she can be soft and alluring she doesn't let those "small" traits define her. She is strong and brave hearted but her skills are swift and quiet. She normally spends time to her self training constantly when she isn't just enjoying the thick exiled fog that resides in their "quaint" little area. She is very good at focusing negitive thoughts through her strengths, which makes her a very patient hunter. Despite how she was raised and where her family hails from Cari is not ruthless, she can be merciful if she feels it's worth it, but it's a rare occasion and has yet to happen. [u][b]s k i l l s[/b][/u] •archery •stealth •bribe •acrobatic [u][b]h i s t o r y[/b][/u] Carlisle's parents Arengir and Madge Finch were once Nobles of the joined kingdom. One of the more wealthy families that resided in the empire. Also one of the most loyal families to the king as well. After years of trying the family discovered Madge was unable to conceive. The family though filled with grief knew that they had to have someone to pass down their name. They decided to adopt, and were promised a boy by the name of Carlisle. Once the baby was born they later found out that Carlisle was indeed a 'she'. Arengir insisted there was a mistake but Madge was so in love with her girl that she convinced Arengir to let them keep the child. Since she was three Carlisle always strived to impress her father and gain his affection. Through the years she learned to hunt and use a bow as skillful as Arengir, but to no avail she was still not the little boy he wanted. By some miracle, when Carlisle was about 7, Madge had a beautiful baby boy & Arengir couldn't have been more thrilled. He spent every waking moment doting on his beloved son, Abel. Carlisle felt rejected even though she excelled in skill compared to her little brother. Although, despite everything Carlisle still loved her brother and was never bitter or unkind to him. When he was old enough to walk she taught him everything she knew and Madge often let them play in the woods together when Arengir was working. However when Arengir wasn't working he used his free time to teach his son how to invest and become as wealthy as him one day blah blah blah, dad stuff. This actually made Carlisle start to develops a hatred for her dad even though she would never admit it. One morning Madge had sent Carlise to take Abel to the market and trade for some meat. While walking on the road on their way to the market they began to play tagging each other along the way. They were so distracted they didn't notice the palace caridge heading right tworeds them. Carlise jumped calling for her brother to move at the same time, but she was too late. Abel's body was crushed under the thick wooden wheel of the caridge that so happened to belong to the king. Since then Arengir never forgave the king nor did he ever look Cari in the eye. She could hardly forgive herself either. When the kingdom split it became obvious what side the Finchs belonged on and they've been there since. [u][b]w h i s p e r[/b][/u][/center] [hider=T H E G E N E T][IMG]http://i62.tinypic.com/3509udv.jpg[/IMG][/hider] [hider=T H E H U N T]Carlisle was silent her back straight against an oak as if her skin was it's own. She was quiet as death, her round blue eyes shining in the day light that poured through the trees. She placed a careful hand on a lingering branch no larger than a lamp pole. She swiftly pulled it down using the bend to give her a small launch to the higher branch. She hung onto the larger branch of the oak her arms the only thing keeping her up. She let out a small breath swinging herself onto it then stood high peering out into the dark Forrest. [i]you shouldn't be here, the alligence territory is stricly forbidden unless you are ordered attack[/i] a mans voice rung in her head like a conscience, but she knew him once. [b]which is why...I'm not gonna get caught, it came through here I know it..[/b] she lunged forward slightly placing her finger tips on the cracks of the bark. She narrowed her eyes seeing the faint ghostly light again. She smiled leaning back on her leg and pushing herself forward bounding quietly from tree to tree. Her lightweight making the trees rustle slightly as if from a gust of wind. Finally closer she could see it in a tree ahead of her, it was sitting upright moving cautiously and quietly, it knew she was there. She pulled a small pebble out of her pocket slowly tossing it lightly to hit a branch on it's tree. It jumped down simultaneously to her as she raced behind it on it's heels. She liked her prey to run. She pulled an arrow to shoot it but suddenly it stopped and looked her in the eye. She lowered her bow, crouching down to look at it. She had never seen anything like it, beside it's ghostly apparatus it was an odd looking creature she had never seen in the Forrest before. It was obviously intelligent and had eyes similar to her own, large and full of wonder. She sheathed her bow and held out a gentle hand, and it stared at it for awhile, unmoving. Then after hesitation it brought it's nose under her palm. She gasped lightly as she felt her whisper join her as it once was. "I should've known..." She muttered down to the genet a faded smile on her face "you are Nook...you are me.." She was happy to have found her missing piece but suddenly she became distracted she heard a voice just behind her. A man. An alligence man. She turned quickly taking a dagger out of her pocket and cutting her calf just deep enough to look accidental. She winced clenching her jaw, but she had to act quick unsure if the man was someone she could handle or not. She fell to the ground holding her leg close to her. She broke a branch near her so it looked as if she cut her leg on that, then wiped the warm blood of her blade placing it back in it's holster. She listened quietly for the man last thing she heard was [b][i]"I'm leaving early today.."[/i][/b][/hider] [b]p l a y>>[/b][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/6900/posts/ooc]Stick to your Side[/url] [center] [IMG]http://i62.tinypic.com/28a5eyv.jpg[/IMG] "caught between acception and money, my burden is green" [b]N A M E[/b] Atticus Mosby Johnson IV [b]A G E[/b] 17 [b]S I D E[/b] The winning side, obviously [b]T H O U G H T S[/b] "Moz" as most of the student body calls him, has no care for the orphanage. He almost pleasures himself in torturing them and nearly goes out of his way to let them know their place. [b]O T H E R[/b] Moz's name isn't the only thing passed down through the Johnson's heritage. He is expected to take over the family's business and live up to his fathers name. They originally hail from old Castles, Britain where Atticus Mosby Johnson I made his first thousand in, let's just say, making a living. Since then the Johnson's have made tradition of passing down their name, money, and chance of only having one son. Moz though his accent and personality may be charming, feels pressured nearly every day to impress his father, and he usually takes this out on the orphans.[/center] [center][IMG]http://i60.tinypic.com/sgsjnm.jpg[/IMG] [b]"Some walks you have to take [i]alone[/i]."[/b] N A M E Castelle "Cass" Martin A G E 18 S I D E Orphan T H O U G H T S Cass doesn't have a care in the world for the other side. Her laid back nature gives her this ability, but on the other hand she does envy one thing. Most would expect that she would want their riches and fame, when in reality she wants a family. She pushes this desire deep inside her head because lets face it no one is going to adopt any of the Orphans of St. Dominique. Yet still she will always long for that, no matter how hard she tries to deny it. O T H E R not that I can think of[/center] [b]p l a y>>[/b][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/8328/posts/ooc]The Uisilons[/url] [center][IMG]http://i61.tinypic.com/nwc680.jpg[/IMG] [b]N A M E[/b] Rayn Finch [b]A G E[/b] 21 [b]P E R S O N A L I T Y[/b] She is introverted. She tends to be reserved and quiet, especially around people she does not know well. She prefers spending her time with a close group of family and friends. She likes to focus on the details. She spends more time thinking about the here and now rather than worrying about the future. She also prefers concrete information to abstract theories. She cares more about personal concerns rather than objective, logical information. She likes to keep her options open, so she often delays making decisions in order to see if things might change or if new options come up. [b]H I S T O R Y[/b] Rayn has always been a mystery to everyone around her, however it wasn't always this way. When she was younger Rayn's family consisted of her, her father Denzin, and her Grand mother Sage. Rayn never knew her mother, but it never bothered her much because Sage had always been like a mother to Rayn. She was so cheerful and bright even in the worst of times. Sage had always found a way to make Rayn feel happy, her father never understood it. Denzin although confused and lost at times always tried to be the best father for Rayn. He showed her compassion and love, but there was always this wall between them he never understood how to get through it. When Rayn was about ten Sage had passed away, they never knew what happened just one day she didn't wake up. Rayn didn't speak a word for weeks and even now she only talks when it's neccesary. Sage was the light in her dark world and now that it's gone she didn't know how to react. Denzin was heartbroken, not only for his loss but for Rayn to lose someone so close at such a young age. He knew he had to stay strong for her, which was hard to balance when she was so distant. Since then Rayn kept to herself and though she would never show it she does love her father, just without Sage she can't talk to him like she could. Now a days Rayn simply keeps to herself practicing her magic and reading books [b]R A N K[/b] Silver [b]P O W E R[/b] Acoustokinesis- ability to manipulate sound waves (If this isn't okay I can change it) [b]S T A N C E[/b] Rayn had never thought about leaving til it had become a growing issue. She liked her settlement but she wasn't afraid of change either. This whole surfacing ordeal actually burst started something inside her and she grew a curiosity almost a passion if you will for the land above. She began reading what ever she could to learn and even made some conversation about it. The surface is her new light, and she's even caught smiling every now and again.[/center] [b]p l a y>>[/b][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/5073/posts/ooc]Filthy or Golden?[/url] [center][img]http://i42.tinypic.com/24csejc.jpg[/img] |N A M E| Argus and Wren Cleary |A G E| 42 | 40 |G E N D E R| Male | Female |C L A S S| Filthy |S P L I C E| Asiatic Lion | Chameleon |A B I L I T I E S| He can run at incredible speeds, reaching up to 50mph. When he reaches inhuman speeds he runs on all fours. His nails can grow into thick sharp claws that are useful for combat and climbing. His eyesight is that of a lions (obviously). He is also able to stay up for days without need of rest, useful for protecting his family. However, he is not very swift in motion and his powerful punches can be slow. She is able to blend into any surrounding as long as she's still. Much like her husband she is an excellent climber able to climb most anything. She relies mostly on sneak to survive and is the scavenger of the family. If she ever needed to fight her sense of motion allows her to "see" what's coming at her and dodge it accordingly. Unfortunately, She is weaker in strength and can't do much damage on her own. |D E S C R I P T I O N| He stands a towering 6'4 and has a strong build. He has big broad shoulders and big arms, his torso is well built but shorter compared to his longer legs. His skin is a rough golden tan and his hair is course and a mousy brown. His one delicate feature would be his eyes, a deep mahogany brown with gold flecks in the center. What makes him filthy are his teeth, hands, and he's overall quite hairy. His canines are larger and sharper than the normal human kind. His hand have pads on the underside (along with his feet) and his nails can turn into claws. As far as hair goes he really is just a dark haired bushy man, with chest, legs, arms, and yes a wicked awesome beard. Wren is shorter standing at 5'7 and has a thin more graceful build. She has slender arms and a tiny waist, most of her traits passed down to Blair. Her skin is fair like porcelain, and she has light brown freckles dabbled on her nose and rosy cheeks. Her eyes are a pale green with a light pink circle around the pupil. Her chameleon traits appear on her arms, eyes, and hands. Her arms appear to have intricate tattoos that are rough to touch, but are pretty in design. Her unique eyes allow her to see movement more keenly. Last of all she only has four fingers on each hand, missing her pinky fingers. |P E R S O N A L I T Y| Argus and Wrens personalities very well balance each other out. Argus can be tough and abrasive, but when it comes to family his softer sides show. Wren is quiet but patient, she handles argus well when he gets upset, and understands him more than anyone. Much like the lion he is very prideful and a born leader, these attributes he wears confidently but is sure not to boast. Wren likes to keep to herself she keeps her focus on protecting her family as well as survival. |H I S T O R Y| Argus and Wren met in battle, she at first found no interest in him, but he had always found her very alluring. Caught in cross fire Wren was badly injured. The battles were so big dead bodies of both sides lay everywhere you wouldn't know who was dead and who was dying, it was all every man for himself. Argus, by some miracle, found Wren laying hunched in some tall grass. He took her gently and found shelter in an old abandoned building. He watched her and cared for her for days till she was better. Through all his trouble Wren realized she had fallen in love and it wasn't long till they left the battle field and sought refuge in safer plains. They were constantly on the run but some how through the mess they managed to have a fair baby girl named Blair. |T H E F A M I L Y| Wren- [img]http://i40.tinypic.com/25hhbbk.jpg[/img] Blair- [img]http://i44.tinypic.com/mil4r7.jpg[/img][/center] [b]p l a y>>[/b][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/4008/posts/ooc?page=1]Dystopia[/url] [center][IMG]http://i59.tinypic.com/2yjy4x5.jpg[/IMG] [b]N A M E[/b] Airwren Lorde [b]R A C E[/b] Alacai [b]G E N D E R[/b] XX [b]A G E[/b] 27 [b]R A N K [/b] First born of, Aavia Lorde, Empress of Alacai empire sun district [b]P E R S O N A L I T Y[/b] Wren is unlike most of her peers in her kingdom of Alacai. Typically her race is elegant and reserved, their only concern is their own kind. Wren, however, is very bold and adventurous her curious nature caused her to rebel against her kingdom and travel among the lands and seas. She is very carefree and felt she wouldn't make a good heir to the throne anyway. Wren is very passionate about nature and astronomy, she focuses her magic around both elements mainly if she has to use it. She also doesn't like to use her gifts, especially her elemental form of the unicorn. She wants to grow through strength and doesn't see magic very useful in that area, which is why she's mainly an archer. [b]W E A K N E S S E S[/b] >family >magic >traps [b]S T R E N G T H S[/b] >agility >target >illusions/ sneak [b]B R I E F B I O[/b][/center] Airwren is first born of Aavia and Alduin Lorde. They are the current rulers of all Alacai living in the sun district of the empire (the highest ranking district). As a little girl it was clear Airwren was a little different from the others. She was troublesome and sneaky, always leaving the palace after curfew and picking fights with the other children. She never wore the dress robes her mother set out for her, and her sun bleached locks were always a mess, sticking out in every direction. She was always a problem for her mother and younger brother Able, but her father always saw potential in his outgoing daughter. "She's my sun" he would always say...She knew it was wrong to pick favorites but Wren definitely loved her father more than her mother. And Able always envied their closeness. He never said anything to his sister though, he didn't want to se selfish. When she grew older Wren realized the responsibilities she had to start to take on for her family. She didn't like the Idea of being Queen let alone princess, but unless Able married first she was stuck. So Wren kept her promise to her father to be a good Queen, but she shared with him daily how much she wanted to travel. Alduin never understood why she wanted to leave but for her 21st birthday he allowed her to leave on her own, as long as she came back in case anything were to happen to them.