[quote=@BingTheWing] Actually, changed my mind - my character's gonna be a hardcore veteran IDF medic who has a drinking problem, is a krav maga master, and swears a lot. I dunno how this is gonna roll :P By the way, would [url=http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/rainbowsix/images/0/0f/R6_GSG9_Jager_4k_001.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20151103231021]this[/url] suffice for a face claim? EDIT: What exactly [i]are[/i] the specific requirements to be recruited into Jormungand? [/quote] Well, a distinguished service record for one, and no physical or psychological issues (So no addiction). After all, a paramilitary force given UN approval to act across international borders is only going to accept people who aren't going to cause more problems than they're solving. Other things come into play too, like your overall technical performance across the basic military disciplines like shooting, security and the like