[center] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjcyLmRkYTcyNy5RV1JoYkdFZ1VHOXpibVZ5LjE,/road-rage.regular.png[/img] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjcyLmRkYTcyNy5VMk52Y200LC4x/road-rage.regular.png[/img] [img]http://i1136.photobucket.com/albums/n491/Argetlam350/cutmypic_zpsr0x5porp.png[/img] [b][u]Location:[/u][/b] Enroute to Sentinel HQ -> Outside Sentinel HQ In London -> Inside Sentinel HQ [b][u]Interacting With:[/u][/b] [/center] [color=orange]"One, two I'm coming for you,"[/color] Scorn sung to herself as the transport vehicle made its way through the streets. Her voice barely came out as a whisper due to a muzzle being placed on her after she had made an attempt to bite one of the guards. She might of agreed to be of service to this renewed program but it didn't mean she was going to be entirely cooperative about it. She had decided to make the entire trip a game for her, making it tough on the poor excuses of guards to get her to comply. They had to drug her to even get her on the plane after several hours of her evading them about the hangar and that was without her unique gifts. "Will you can it freak," the guard sitting across from her growled. Scorn glared at him with daggers. He could see it in his eyes, he was scared, just itching to pull the trigger on his weapon. She couldn't stick her tongue out at him so she merely smirked. [color=orange]"Nope and the government wouldn't be happy if you hurt innocent me. What can I do with all these shackles on me? I'm defenseless,"[/color] she said in an innocent tone of voice. She returned to her singing when the guard made no remark back knowing what she said was true. "The sooner we get there the sooner she's out of our hair," the driver said from the front ",Let the Sentinel's have her. Don't understand why they would want a criminal, especially one who is missing several marbles." Shortly after the last words were spoken, they were pulling up to the HQ building. Like a dog they drug her out of the transport vehicle up the stairs and into the building. Part of her wanted to tear them apart for such an embarrassing act but she kept herself calm, figuring tearing apart two police guards right inside the Sentinel HQ building would be a terrible way of greeting everyone. Plus blood was such a hard mess to clean up, she wouldn't want them to go through all that trouble. [color=orange]"Well boys its been fun now these can be removed,"[/color] she said smiling behind the mask as she raised her hands that were cuffed. The guards reluctantly removed her restraints along with the muzzle. She playfully acted to go for a bite at one of their fingers causing them to jump slightly. She laughed and gave a wave before walking to what seemed to be the front desk of the building.[color=orange]"So there is a meeting room I'm suppose to be looking for,"[/color] stated at the front desk and was greeted by a rather overly cheerful person. She got the directions and made her way to the elevator and selected the floor that she had been told. [color=orange]"And they say I'm a few screws short. No one is that cheerful without some mental problems,"[/color] She mumbled as she waited to reach her floor. The doors opened to reveal a rather large room with a circular table in the center. A few of her supposed new comrades were all ready there waiting. She didn't really pay much attention to them, taking them only in briefly and played in her head a little game of "eeny, meeny, miny, moe" to decide her seat, her index finger bouncing around the available seats before picking one. Finding that the chair swiveled immediately took her attention away from her surroundings entirely as she spun herself in circles on it, the spinning seemingly having no effect on her. From the swift spinning sensation she picked up little details like one of the people there seemed to be robotic, two guys that didn't really stand out to her at the moment, an older woman who seemed uptight on her first look, and another woman who at least shared her sense of fashion.