[color=purple][b]♦Sarah♦[/b][/color] Only able to yell twice, Sarah’s voice was cut off by the sound of the unknown figure making her was closer. Unable to see the person due to the winding hall, she could only assume it was the Dorthy in question. However, just as she was about to wave to the person who just now popped into her vision her hand instead flew to her mouth to stifle a small giggle. Whereas, she knew the people in this world were strange, she could easily gather the teapot incident must have been an accident. That and it was obvious the woman didn’t know she was here. As Dorthy managed to pull the teapot of her head Sarah instantly gathered she must be a sweet, and cute person inside and out. Making eye contact though caused her to feel slightly uncomfortable. The dormouse (as Hare referred to her earlier) stiffened at the sight of Sarah. Sarah didn’t allow herself to feel such an emotion but for a second, then she only knew of her hands instinctively reaching out to catch the large teapot before it shattered on the ground. Luckily, she managed to slip a few fingers around the spout and stop the disaster before it started. Moving it up towards her, she tucked it under her arm for a momentary safe keeping. With her other hand she tucked away the free tendrils tickling her at her mouth. Looking back up to the bright red face and fast talk Sarah was able to catch nearly every word and couldn’t help herself but to have a short laugh followed by a smile that couldn’t help itself from spreading across her face. [color=purple] “You are by far the most charming and adorable person I have ever had the honor to meet. I’m Sarah and it’s nice to meet you too.”[/color] Turning her attention to looking out the large bay windows she added,[color=purple] “Wonderland you say? It’s official I have absolutely lost my mind,”[/color] at this point she turned back to Dorthy and smiled once more,[color=purple] “But that’s okay. I’m sure you’ll be able to help me find it once more. So what does one do in a place such as this?.....Oh, and who or what is a Hatter? He sounds like a peculiar one too.”[/color] Sarah could already tell she was going to like it here...for however long she would remain. [@Guardian Angel Haruki]