[color=darkseagreen]"This has been an unexpected development."[/color] [color=0054a6]"That doesn't mean this isn't your fault!"[/color] [color=darkseagreen]"This is not my fault."[/color] Poole and his inebriated friend had been fighting other pirates for years, and at this point, they could talk while they did. They stood on the bridge surrounded by a loose, shifting circle of pirates of Vivian's Mercy, fighting whichever would rush forward at the moment. Fortunately for Ocean Horizon, the invading crew was larger due to its loosening standards for acceptance with the loss of Green Goran, though unfortunately for Poole, that meant that there were more crewmembers of the Mercy that had not known him, first-hand, as a man who could not be killed. A short, pockmarked pirate with curly red hair lurched forward from the circle of cutthroats surrounding the two, and unsheathed his weapon; a shimmering steel rapier. He wore a blue shirt and grey pants, banded together with a wide black belt, with Vivian's Mercy's mark across the center of his belt -- The red silhouette of a woman holding two swords. In an instant, the redhaired young man sprung forward at Fletcher with his right arm outstretched, intending to run him through at that very spot. The captain side-stepped and spun down the outside of the man's arm in a flash of movement and was behind the fencer, back to back, in what seemed like the blink of an eye. Still turning, Fletcher's spin brought the Fujin's sheathe directly to the side of the man's head, sending him flying back into the crowd of pirates. [color=0054a6]"Is [i]too[/i] your fault!"[/color] [color=darkseagreen]"This is not my fault."[/color] Another pirate tore through the crowd of more cautious invaders encircling the two, though this one rushed towards Poole. Unlike Fletcher, Poole lacked martial training. Unlike Fletcher, Poole also used a [i]gun[/i]. As quickly as the man leapt at Poole, Poole drew his rifle up and shot at the man from the hip. True to his mark, the shard instantaneously exited the back of the man's torso, and he crumpled forward towards Poole. [color=darkseagreen]"Perhaps we should discuss this after the battle has commenced."[/color]