[quote=@Buddha] Eh, I think everyone was under the assumption that we were playing this out in our respective keeps, but we're starting at the kings castle. In which case Ithobal should go there, not 'home'. :lol I mean, I'm fine with that too. It might be a bit weird having a captain suddenly show up, but either of which I'm fine with. I can have Tybalt do whatever, I just want to be clear that I don't go around messing up other peoples ideas. :) [/quote] [i]For the most part you will be playing in your respective keeps. This original event was to get everyone together and set off the original story arch of King Samson being murdered. This would have been an event that was being planned for months on end so Ithobal probably had enough time to hear about it and sail home to either a) his HOME or b) the event. As far as the son situation goes- it is perfectly fine for the Gully family not to send a son, or send a bastard son (a ploy perhaps- it wouldn't be the first time a Gully tries to sell off a fake) or what have you. Marrying off an old guy to a young woman isn't anything new in these times- but it will ultimately be a Gully family decision if they even want to participate.[/i]