[quote=@Seiryu] [u][b]Mars Surface[/b][/u] Mikhail frowned as a distress signal was broadcast before being cut off by the announcement of the Hystorons. 'Are these a rogue group of transformers? Their involvement has done nothing but ruin Earth, now Mars too...?' Mikhail sets off to the Mars base's outskirts muttering to himself, "HQ should have heard of this by now, I'll have to head there myself then" After reaching the outpost without further incident Mikhail decided a personal meeting might be the better course of action as nothing had been received since the announcement by the Hystorons. Turning to the man posted out front, "Guard, please inform the captain LJG Meyer has arrived and wishes to report about the current situation" [/quote] at the base alarms went off Unidentified flying objects had been spotted Several saucer like objects combatting each other