[img]https://tse3.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.M08930edecb8adbbe2e4f10b8d7fd9c40H1&w=117&h=152&c=7&rs=1&qlt=90&o=4&pid=1.1[/img] [color=Green] "Why am i here?" [/color] Emerin thought to himself drinking some Ale, it was nice but nothing like they had at Hyland's Keep, too fruity. He spent an hour talking to bumbling fools seeking his approval, since his Brother was sick he was forced to attend the Princess' nameday, hopefully his Nephews were here for the tournament later so he could talk to somebody not wanting to kiss his boots. Suddenly he felt an bump and looked down to see a woman lying on the floor, before words were exchanged she got up and dragged Emerin behind a white pillar, she looked at him and smiled with mischief in her dazzling eyes, [color=pink] "could you tell me when he leaves?" [/color]. Emerin wondered who she was talking about and if in fact she wasn't deluded, but he looked round to see an old Knight looking distressed as if searching for something that was lost. He ran into the crowd with an expression of fear in his eyes and face. Emerin looked at the mysterious woman in her beautiful dress and elegant braids and raised his eyebrows. [color=green] "Ok He's gone m'lady, now why were you trying to escape from him my dear and don't spare me any details or i shall call the old sod back." [/color] Emerin looked at the woman with both intrigue and excitement, it looks like he is going to have fun.