The girl did not flinch when he used his best demonic voice to question her and Al was annoyed. How dare the wench not respond to his majestic presence with fear and cower before him like legions of others had. In fact, she just kept chanting and chanting and not even looking at him. [color=purple][i] Why did i bother showing up in my true form when I could have used the shape of a lessor demon for this? She was not impressed at all and now I am stuck here looking the fool while the witch says her nonsense. I doubt she even knows what she is doing. Stupid mortals. They have a little power and think that they can do anything. Just wait until she slips up and then I will show her just who she has dared to summon with her little spell. [/i] [/color] He was truly getting into his mental ran when he felt the pull of something and started to actually listen to her words. [color=purple] "You dare to try and bind me? Do you really think that someone like you could put a binding on a demon of my caliber? How dare you!" [/color] he spit out. He did not want to let her know that it seemed to be working at all. Maybe if he got hostile enough he could get her to mess up and the circle would be broken before she succeeded. When she looked at him with fear for a second but continued chanting, Al started to get truly pissed. With his enhanced hearing he heard a deer in the underbrush and knew that if he could coax it closer that it might breach the circle. He could not get the deer to move but maybe it would kick that branch enough to make a difference. He extended a bit of power towards it and was rewarded by it moving jut enough to get the branch to brush the edge of the circle and disturb the salt. It wasn't so much that the witch would notice but he felt the compulsion to obey her lesson somewhat, even though it did not go away. He was only partially bound and was no longer locked in the circle. He decided to wait a bit and let her think that she had succeeded before showing her just how wrong she was. [color=brown] "Blah, blah, blah. You know that you are having no effect on me don't you little witch? All your words and nonsense that you are spouting just make my ass itch. I could leave at any time but you have a decent body and what I was doing before will be there when I get back. I figure maybe I will take you before I leave I promise that it will be the best you ever had." [/color] He made a lewd thrust of his hips and saw her turn red before looking away and continued to chant. [color=purple] [i] Damn the chit is stubborn. She just keeps on yapping and yapping like a chihuahua. This is boring, Time to liven things u a bit. [/i] [/color] He took one step closer to the edge of the circle and smiled as she looked his way. He took another and then another until he was right n the edge. Then he locked eyes with her and lifted his leg and placed it outside of the circle. He then laughed and started to sing. [color=brown] "You put your left leg in. You put your left leg out You put your left leg in and you shake it all about. You do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around. That's what it's all about." [/color] He danced the accompanying motions as he sang and when he shook it all about, turned so that he wagged his ass at her. With the last syllable he did a pelvic thrust and licked his lips. When he was done he stepped fully over the circle and walked towards her. He saw her backing up and reached out an arm to grab he but stopped when he was but inches away from her flesh. It would not be prudent to touch her with the partial binding in his true form. [color=brown] "Let me make something clear to you little witch. You should never play with forces that are beyond your kin. It could get you into trouble. I would stay and show you the error of your ways, but you are simply not worth my time right now. Grow up a bit and then we might could really play." [/color] He smirked at her as he blew her a kiss and then smoked out. The look on her face when he blew that kiss was perfect. She would never know that her binding had been partially successful and even if she did he doubted that she would ever dare to summon him It was more fun than he had experienced in quite a while. He zeroed in on his meat suit and made himself at home again. He saw that the virgin was still asleep on his bed and moved over to it. He used his mental power to wake her and then said with a smile, [color=brown] "Now where were we before he kissed her." [/color]