Maria sat in the small, dark, and windowless corner of the medical bay with only a small light illuminating the surface of her tabletop. She was well aware of the battle occurring right outside with the occasional shaking of her surroundings and rattling of equipment. Since it's become a common event recently, she plugged her ears and attempted to continue grinding various plants and herbs into powder. With her minimal combat experience, staying hidden and out of the way was the best method of helping. She paused for a moment and glanced down to her katar which had slid off of the table from the swaying ship. While reaching down to grab it, another cannon blasted into the Ocean Horizon. The impact knocked back Maria's chair, and she flipped onto her stomach. She groaned in pain exaggeratedly while rolling onto her back. A crash and crack were heard as her clay mortar and pestle shattered into pieces on the floor. Without hesitation, she sat up in a panic and immediately tried to gather the scattered pieces and small grains of powder. To no avail, her gloves managed to gather bits of dust and broken clay. The resulting powder had separated and disappeared, with a zero percent chance of recovery. Maria clenched her fists tightly and yelled out of frustration. She pulled out her ear plugs and grabbed her katar, ready to irresponsibly rush into battle. Unfortunately, her loudness already attracted an intruder into the sick bay. Upon looking up, Maria's eyes met with a fairly burly goon who managed to get onto the ship. She quickly stood up in an unsteady manner and staggered before tripping over her own feet. With a loud thump, she fell flat on her face once more. The enemy pirate sneered at the girl's encounter with blunt humiliation before approaching her with his weapon drawn. Maria kept her face down in shame and mumbled to herself, [color=indianred]"Can I die right now please?"[/color] Glancing up, she spotted her katar only inches away from the despicable pirate. He purposely stepped on it and kicked it even further away. Eventually, he hovered just above her and pulled back his weapon, ready to rain down death upon an innocent bystander. But alas, to save the day, a hero bird swooped in from the open door and ferociously pecked at the pirate's head. While he was distracted with flailing around, Maria took the opportunity to lunge towards her weapon. Frantically but carefully pushing herself to her feet, she pulled back her katar and charged it straight into the brute's abdomen. Unable to pull it out afterwards, she let go and stepped back in hopes of seeing the burly pirate die. Luckily, with a stab to the stomach and multiple blood-drawing pecks, he collapsed to the ground. Maria knew he wasn't dead yet but figured with a wound like that he'd be gone in no time. She struggled for a few minutes to pull her katar out of the unconscious body and made her way outside to where the real scuffle was happening. Her bird familiar sat itself comfortably on her shoulder as she engaged in combat with uninvited guests--or, at least attempted to.