[center][h2]R[u]ASCAL & PROCYO[/u]N[/h2] EZEKIEL & CLINTON[/center] 1 left… 6 stops .. another left… 2 turns for a right… During the entire car ride, One of Ezekiel’s foot would lightly tap against Clinton’s boots depending on the movement of the car to indicate the direction it went. Clearly, the two had bags over their heads, had their hands behind their backs bounded with simple cable ties. Hard laughs, talk of business, gossips, imitating the Batman--Even imitating the Riddler. This was currently happening throughout the entire car ride. Then there was the occasional groans coming from the third guy he impaled before in the shoulder which made him sneer under the brown sack covering his face. Soon the black van came to an abrupt stop, and at that moment the male closed his eyes shut and feigned unconsciousness as both feet tapped the sides of his brother. “We’re here.” A mutter was heard as the twins received a rough smack across their face. “If you 2 shits are awake, Say somethin’.” Ordered the thug who babysat them in the backseat. “Somethin’.” the twins imitated unanimously in their most terrible accent yet with a deep voice. It was clear they irritated the thug, and upon hearing the doors slide open--The two were stood up and thrown out deliberately, head first and meeting the concrete ground that indicated playtime was over. Then light appeared before them again, and Clinton rolled his neck around before cracking it, shaking his shoulders as if ready for something. In front of them was a group--An actual group of thugs related to Riddler forming a circle around them. Behind the group however was a green riddle spray painted on the warehouse door. A thug read aloud, “The man who invented it doesn't want it. The man who bought it doesn't need it. The man who needs it doesn't know it. What is it?” “The hell is that supposed to mean?” another responded. At that moment Clinton knew and let out a sigh as the thugs literally seemed to bicker over the anwer. “Ready?” He rhetorically asked. “They’re dumber than I expected.” Zeke scoffed, before Clinton jumped up and over his arms in order to get them in front of him. At this moment, His older brother simply tripped the thug from before who still had the knife on him and grabbed it with his hands, causing a backflip on the ground to get away while his legs went over his arms as well in the process. Immediately Ezekiel stood with both hands on the blade and cut through the makeshift cuff on his brother's wrist before Clinton tossed down a thick smoke pellet, freeing his brother the same way in return as their many opponents were blinded. It was simple, The two were confident that what they wanted was in that warehouse and they had no problem fighting their way to get it. >> Slightly skipping << While beating up the thugs, Clinton was silent throughout the whole fight while Ezekiel retorted comments as he brought them down one by one. The twins were surely beaten and bruised, but doing better than Riddler’s thugs and Clinton looked over at Ezekiel--Grabbing a nearby bat and swinging it at a man’s head only enough to knock him unconscious. It seemed to be his weapon of choice for now. “...” “What?” Ezekiel glanced--Recognizing the stare his brother was giving him as he grabbed a goon by the arm and twisting it before flipping the large man over his back. A crack was heard before he shouted in pain, and their conversation seemed to continue in a casual manner. “So…” Clinton looked over his shoulder, countering the punches of a thug before grabbing him by the collar and flipping him over with his hands and legs, back on the floor. His brother followed with an attack smoothly, fly-kicking their last opponent. “Remind me why we’re doing this?” He asked as the two stopped, in front of the large warehouse door facing each other. Their outfit was tattered and there were holes around them. A few cuts here and there, as well as purple and blue blotches on the twin’s faces and knuckles. Now there was definitely a difference between the two considering they took different hits in various areas and Clinton picked up his hat, brushing through his hair and dusting his hat casually before placing it back on.”Remind me why we’re doing this again?” He asked. “Because you idiot, Riddler just happens to owe us after all that work we’ve helped him through! We also helped him up his role in some poi--” Soon the door had slowly opened up, and the twins were overshadowed by a large and burly figure. Slowly hearing the door creek up as it opened, the two raccoons slowly looked up before hearing a laugh from the man who wasn’t in the fight: That ‘Ol’ donnie’ guy. “Woah--There’s something new.” “Ya think?” “He actually has a brute joining him.” “No shit Sherlock.” “Coffin--” Clinton quickly answered. “Less talky, More beat em--What?--” But before Ezekiel could once again finish his own sentence, he found himself tossed passed the truck and landing into the dumpster. On the other hand, Clinton jumped back as a way to prevent being thrown across the same way as his brother but had collided with the black van behind him which tilted to the side before saving him from his fall. He landed on his knees, looking up as they groaned in pain, slowly making an effort to standing. “And right you are!” A voice shouted. Behind the figure was Donnie, and the twins felt a twinge of nervousness to fight back for only a moment. “Though it seems like I only got one trash in where it belongs.” He shrugged, before laughing. “Boy did the Big Boss knew about you two than you thought!” Donnie coughed, voice raspy from all the cigarettes he smoked. Clinton quickly stepped forward and then back, kicking his feet against the car and uppercutting the large ‘body guard’ of Donnie. He must’ve been at least 6’5 or something--But he was exceptionally large. Obviously one punch from a shorter younger male didn’t inflict much damage as expected and pretty soon Ezekiel jumped over the van, joining in on trying to take the big guy down. To no avail, the guy was doing more damage than the twins did to him. Immediately Clinton was aware that the only way to make the guy fall was to play develop a tactic--Play a game. So while they dodged relentlessly and Ezekiel placed more hits and kicks than he did, Clinton eyed his brother.”HEY!” He called. “Wanna play a game?” Clinton chuckled. Ezekiel stopped momentarily, jumping to the side to avoid a punch. “Which game?” the older brother inquired. “Leapfrog--with a twist.” Clinton pointed at his head, indicating to keep hitting the big guy in the head until he falls down. With that Clinton picked up the baseball bat and the raccoon brothers got into action with their plan. Ezekiel slid through the large man’s legs as he punched around at the air and got into position on his stomach. Clinton then used his brother as support under his foot to heighten his jump, and whack the baseball bat straight at the man’s head before landing on the ground and crouching down. This ‘game of leapfrog’ went back and forth between the two as they each managed to attack the larger man, Ezekiel even using the blade and going as far as blinding the burly thug in one eye in the end. Clinton then scurried underneath his legs and crouched tightly in a sort of fetus position, before the thug backed up onto him and tripped over him--A large groan being heard. Soon there was silence from the warehouse then, a shaky breath of fear. "Well we're here." Clinton uttered, before a shot was heard. "CLINT!" Ezekiel shouted instinctively. The younger brother fell to the floor and after several seconds, he got up--Rubbing his cheek as the bullet by luck only grazed his skin. "STAY AWAY FROM ME. YOU AIN'T GETTING ANYTHING FROM ME." "Tsk--I don't have the patience!" Ezekiel grunted and with that he tackled Donnie, immediately grabbing the gun in the process and holding it under his chin. "Where's that cancerous shit head who thinks he's one of the a villain?" he growled. "I ain't tellin'! But I will tell you this: Theres a war! A turf between him and the Clue Master!" Suddenly Clinton looked over their direction as he was staring at the large stacks of money piled up, flipping through them in his hands. "Ironic.. Counterfeit." He chuckled. "Riddler knew we were coming. Plus that riddle is known to have two answers: Counterfeit money, or A coffin. In this case he attempted to get rid of us anyways... But this Cluemaster--Whats the deal with him?" the other twin inquired from across the room, his voice nonchalantly echoing. "Its a rivalry thing-- But we actually don't know to much Kiddos! Sure enough though, theres something more going on supposedly! Who knows!?" Ezekiel eyed the man for a moment, before sighing in an unsatisfied manner. "Cut him some slack." Clinton commented before a shot was heard. "AHH! YOU BASTARD SON!--" Immediately Clinton looked back to see the guy hold onto his shin. Painful--He nearly shivered at what would feel like if it were to be done on him and Ezekiel walked away. "He's playing games." he said irritably. Clinton only chuckled at his older brother's frustration. "Well--That's usually his M.O... Right?" He then looked at the money which actually formed a question mark, and pointed at the empty space where another riddle was told. I start with the letter E, I end with the letter E. I contain only one letter, Yet I am not the letter E! What am I? and there was an envelope resting beside the riddle. Clinton picked it up, opening it and looked over at Zeke. "We may be in to deep." He shrugged, motioning for Donnie with his head. "I think he and muscle man are double spies... of this... 'Clue master'?" The name did sound familiar, and Ezekiel punched Clinton in the arm. "We worked for him at one point, I can vouch for that. Hey--Ya think maybe we were lured here?" "I can honestly say this: I don't know. And even if we were--Which one wanted us?" Clinton wrapped his finger around his chin. "I mean--We are the most hated in a sense... So if we did worked for both, they'd both want us dead either way.. But like that guy said, I think theres something more to it. And this letter--I don't even understand it to be honest." Clinton explained as the two gazed at the letter. [right][img]http://i68.tinypic.com/drfayb.png[/img][/right]