0. Is everyone okay with trying to start the IC by the end of the week? Even if the CSes aren't all ready. Also, I'd like help with establishing rules, refer to the wishlist for that. So far the three major ones I can think of are as follows. 1. As a GM and lacking abnormally strong characters, I'll be the one placing all PC and NPC characters on a power curve that will be posted in the char. section. The mechanics of fighting said characters is to be negotiated with everyone but I suggest: 2. ...adopting a very simple dice-system where if you throw below 4 you don't succeed with your attempt or you lose the entire fight. We need something to make sure chance and luck play a real role in tough fights. (And definitely not all, I still prefer negotiating or just seeing how fights play out during a collab) 3. One post every two weeks minimum, to keep the story going. In case someone is stuck waiting for a collab response, maybe even just one week. Voice your opinions here or however else you like but make sure I see them. Adieu!