[center][h2][color=thistle]Lady Grey Coulbourne[/color][/h2] [img]http://i.imgur.com/xk6Gp0A.jpg?1[/img][/center] Grey was in the process of peering around the pillar when the stranger threatened to call Sir Jory back, his voice teasing. She gasped and snapped back to attention, looking up at him. [color=thistle]"You wouldn't dare,"[/color] she said, scandalized. But Grey knew the spark in his eyes as he looked her up and down, knew the lilt in his voice, the thrill of excitement that rang through her at catching his attention (whether or not she'd managed it be bodily colliding with him and falling on her rear). She knew this game. And oh, how she loved to play along. He was older than her, clearly. Young enough to be cocky, but mature enough to know what he wanted – and handsome as the devil, to top it all off. He was just the sort of distraction she needed. Drawing herself to her full (very unimpressive) height, she raised her chin and gave an imperious sniff. [color=thistle]"Well, if you [i]must[/i] know,"[/color] she said, [color=thistle]"he's been hunting me down all day. He's confused, I think. He keeps calling me Red Gertrude and insisting I evaluate his collection of foreign toads."[/color] Grey looked over her shoulder to where she saw Sir Jory's retreating back, tall and shining in his armor. Her mouth twitched up into a lopsided grin as she pictured the poor knight's expression should he ever learn of her story. [color=thistle]"He's harmless I'm sure,"[/color] she said, turning back to gaze up at the stranger. Her smile was still on her face. [color=thistle]"But you understand, if he shows me one more toad, I will shove it down his armor."[/color] She raised an eyebrow, her smile growing cheeky. [color=thistle]"Stay with me? In case he finds me again?"[/color]