[quote=@The Kid Lantern] As promised, the Beast from B'Wana! [hider= B'Wana Beast] [center][b][u]Name:[/u][/b] Mike Maxwell [b][u]Nicknames:[/u][/b] Mikey, M, M&M [b][u]Alias:[/u][/b] the Beast from B'wana [b][u]Age:[/u][/b] 28 [b][u]Sex:[/u][/b] Male [b][u]Appearance:[/u][/b] Max is a six feet tall Caucasian man with brown hair and bright eyes. Runs around with his shirt off a lot, has a nice tan. As the Beast he wears a red and gold helmet, and leggings usually worn by wrestlers, a necklace, and a wrist bracer. [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v221/thekidlantern/BBCSPic_zpsoscocxf1.png[/img] [b][u]Powers/Skills:[/u][/b] Strength and speed of the strongest and fastest animals in Africa [ 10 tons, 75 mph]. Possesses the ability to summon and control wildlife telepathically, as well as the ability to fuse two to four animals together to form a chimera. This can include humans as well as himself with great concentration. All fused beasts have a limited duration and separate unharmed in time. [b][u]Backstory:[/u][/b] Mike Maxwell traveled to Africa to do volunteer work at a new animal preserve. However, the plane crashed killing everyone but Maxwell. Finding shelter in a cave somewhere near mount Kilimanjaro, Mike drank rainwater that had been filtered through the cavern's walls. The water changed him, making him larger and more ferocious. When a mutated red ape who had also drank the water attacked, Mike defeated the ape and discovered his power to summon other wildlife. Accidentally fusing the red ape with a centipede, Mike made his way to the preserve. After several months of training in the jungle and working with animals, fusing them when nobody was around, Mike created an identity. The Beast from B'Wana was born and protected endangered animals from poachers as well as protecting the nearby villages. Eventually he came back stateside and worked mostly in areas with plenty of wildlife. Maxwell spent time on the coast of Florida, as well as Coast City California. Out west the Beast helped Green Lantern [Hal Jordan] defeat the telepathic juggernaut Grodd and an army of brainwashed gorillas. Maxwell assisted the Justice League from time to time whenever wildlife was involved. The Beast also had several team ups with the more celebrity superhero Animal Man. Aquaman also recruited Mike to help defend Atlantis from fused sea creatures created by the twisted dark magics of Ocean Master. Lately, the Beast has been touring across the 'States visiting zoo's and helping to promote animal rights and preservations. [b][u]Motivation for joining the League?:[/u][/b] To show he's every bit as A list as Aquaman or Animal Man [suppose with the name he's still B list though, lol!]. [b][u]What do you bring to the League?:[/u][/b] He's got a lot of courage and can help out in the strangest of ways with his chimeras and animal control. [b][u]Notes[/u][/b] Yeah, my guy's usually doing his own thing but when he heard there was a League that needed to be replaced he was front and center trying to grab the right person's attention.[/center] [/hider] ~KL~ [/quote] [quote=@Hillan] [@The Kid Lantern] You actually did it, you absolute madman. [/quote] Some people call me the space cowboy. Others just call me crazy. ~KL~