As he made his way up the hill, Jace began to wonder if he would ever get to Krastberg. Had he been lied to? Jace never had a good sense of direction, and it wouldn't be surprising if someone had just lied to him to make him go away. His thoughts turned back to the tavern, and the two men he had overheard at the bar. After looking at the job board at the tavern, Jace was about to pick up a bounty to get some food money when he overheard two men at the bar talking. ‘Yea, Krastberg is a great place if you are looking for money…’ At the mention of money, Jace darted over to the two men. “Krastberg you say” He said with a grin as leaned against the bar. After annoying the men for several minutes, they eventually told him how to get there, but Jace was starting to think he had been tricked. That was until he made his way to the top of the hill and saw a massive wall. “That has got to be it!” Jace said excitedly as he ran down the hill and towards the gate he noticed. He arrived at the gate with a huff and rested against the wall, catching his breath before going to walk in. He noticed the guards to the right of the gate. He walked over to the station and put his bag on the table. “Name is Jace Dragov, I am a traveler that has come to look for work” He said to the guards. He was used to this by now, showing up at a big city dressed like he was, he would always get stopped and questioned. The guard looked him up and down before speaking up. “What work have you come to look for?” The man asked as he glanced at the large metal gloves that Jace was wearing. “I have come to sell some things I have found, and will be looking for mercenary work while I am here.” The guard was surprised. Usually mercenary work was frowned upon by the guards in most towns, because mercenaries had a reputation for breaking the rules of the city. “Don’t worry, I have done this before, don’t go against the city laws, and don’t get in the way of the city guard.” Jace said with a reassured smile to the man. The guard looked over to one of the others who nodded at him. He looked back at Jace. “Try not to get into trouble Mr Dragov” He said as he gestured into the city. Jace just smiled and picked up his things before walking through the gate. He had been to many cities in his time and had seen the biggest and best of buildings. They paled in comparison to what Jace saw before him. “Woooow…” Jace said as he looked up. “That’s awesome…” Being kicked out of his village at a young age, he was not used to seeing big buildings, in fact most nights he would sleep in any tree he could find. He had decided that the first thing he had to do was find the market district. He didn't have enough food for a meal at a tavern or anything, but he could defiantly find some cheap bread to tide him over until he sold what he needed to. After asking for directions, he made his way towards the market district. The area was so busy that he could barely see through the crowd of people. After a few minutes of walking around he noticed a large man at a stall. The man was somewhat strange looking, but what caught Jace’s eye was the food being placed on the counter. He carefully worked his way through the crowd and arrived in front of the stall. He peered around the man and inspected the various foods that were laid out on the table, Jace started to lick his lips. Having eaten the last of his food two days ago, he was starving. He slid his coin pouch out of his pocket and saw a few copper coins inside. Letting out a nervous sigh he glanced back to the food. “I hope I have enough…” he said to himself as he crouched down behind the massive rock man. He put his hands on his stomach and felt them growl deeply as he waited for his turn to buy from the shop keep, that appeared to be some kind of squid person. Jace had very little knowledge about other species and was often surprised by the people he saw, but he had learnt to contain his surprise, as not to offend potential clients.