[@MrMonsoon][@c3p-0h] [center] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/QEDJDnpoXNThu/giphy.gif[/img] [h3]Tiras Sky[/h3] [/center] [hr] Tiras had been distracted, his mind elsewhere when he heard a familiar voice. He turned and smiled as he embraced his uncle. He had grown considerably...at 6 feet he was already quite tall. [color=lightblue]"Uncle. Apologies, i had forgotten"[/color] he looked over at the woman whom he was being introduced to and lightly kissed her hand. [color=lightblue]"A pleasure to meet you M'lady"[/color] He focused back on his uncle and smiled again. [color=lightblue]"It is good to see you uncle. I would have found you sooner, but I was distracted. I have a gift for the princess, but I am unsure of how to present it."[/color] his uncle was one of the few that got to see him smile and actually be friendly toward anyone. Other then his twin, his smile was hardly seen by the family. As Tiras was talking, Kit looked over at the lady and tilted his head. He trotted over and sniffed at her before sitting in front of her. His bushy tail waved back and forth as the fox studied the woman more.