[hider=WIP][b][u][color=BF0A30]Name:[/color][/u][/b] Patrick Dugan [b][u]][color=BF0A30]Nicknames[/color][/u][/b] Pat, 'Stripesy' [b][u][color=BF0A30]Alias:[/color][/u][/b] S.T.R.I.P.E [b][u][color=BF0A30]Age[/color][/u][/b] Late 40s [b][u][color=BF0A30]Sex:[/color][/u][/b] Male [b][u][color=BF0A30]Appearance:[/color][/u][/b] [hider][img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/life-is-strange/images/4/49/Life_is_Strange_Concept_Art_William_Price_by_Fred_Augis.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20160131032830[/img][/hider] (The first three models) Pat is a healthy man in his forties, with wide shoulders and built like a linebacker. He is 6ft and 2 inches tall while he weighs approximately 225 pounds. While he let himself somewhat 'loose' after his retirement from crimefighter, his return to the field has caused him to engage in a months-long exercise regime in order to return to his physical prime. [b][u][color=BF0A30]Powers/Skills:[/color][/u][/b] A brilliant mechanic, with an IQ of 170, Pat has under his resume the design and building the Star Rocket Racer, JLA's Steel Eagle Aircraft and of course, the [hider=S.T.R.I.P.E. Power Armor][img]http://static3.comicvine.com/uploads/scale_small/3/39027/984597-f5ccb690b1290acb0f9e2cfd77094680df4f7f77.jpg[/img](The color scheme of the armor is mainly steel grey with patriotic red stripes painted upon the shoulder pieces and across the chest. On its center, the circle encloses its personal blue 'S' symbol. When using the S.T.R.I.P.E armor, Pat acquires superhuman strength, durability, and flight through the use use of jet thrusters on its boots, thighs, and its back. And also: [list] [b]*Rocket Launchers[/b]: It sports shoulder-mounted rocket launchers that shoots rockets and Sidewinder missiles. [b]*Missile Launcher[/b]: On the left shoulder, it sports a XXL Bunker-Buster missile that can damage even the most durable of targets. [b]*Laser Cannon[/b]: The armor has a concussive laser cannon on the right shoulder. [b]*Gatling Guns[/b]: It has wrist-mounted gatling guns that are strong enough to incapacitate an Apache helicopter. It can even shoot lasers. [b]*Onboard Computer[/b]: It provides Pat with information on opponents, surroundings, armor status, and communications [b]*Voice Filter[/b]: This is used to hide his voice, it makes it slightly deeper and gives it a mechanical filter. [b]*Temperature Control[/b]: The armor's temperature can rise to about 300 degrees. [b]*Backup Generator[/b]: S.T.R.I.P.E has a backup generator aside from his main power source. [/list] [/hider] He is an experienced hand-to-hand combatant, his main style being boxing and is known for his well thought feints and strong uppercut. [b][u][color=BF0A30]Backstory:[/color][/u][/b] Patrick Dugan was born in the city of Los Angeles in 1915. Although a bright child with a love for sports- especially rugby- he had the misfortune to spend his formative years during the Great Depression and after the death of his father from Bovine Tuberculosis, Pat was forced to be pulled from school in order to take up a job in [b]Max Vaughns Auto Repairs[/b] in order to provide for his family. He eventually proved to be an Vaughns most effective worker, thus his boss left him in charge of the Garage once he entered retirement. Pat would meet his future friend and partner, Sylvester Pemberton, during a patriotic movie showing in the 4th of July 1941. The two of them realized and later foiled a conspiracy of Nazi spies posing as protestors with the intention of ruining the showing, although the two of them parted ways soon after. Pat and Sylvester met a few days later at a newspaper stand were they both frequent to buy the latest issue of Captain Stars and Sergeant Stripes, a comicbook written by Alvin Rodor. Inspired by these heroes, both Sylvester and Pat decided to take up the life of costumed adventurers and after created suits based upon the American flag, the[b]Starspangled Kid and his sidekick Stripesy[/b]were born. Despite Sylvester being younger than him, Pat never felt uncomfortable in the position of the sidekick, and the two of them engaged in a number of adventure during the duration of World War II, halting the activities of gangs and tracking down agents of the Axis that infiltrated the United States. Their last adventure would be their battle against the Nebula man, an unbeknownst to the duo Cosmic Being that trapped both Sylvester and Pat into a Time Vortex. Decades later, Nebula Man would finally meet defeat at the hands of the Justice League of America and with his powers canceled, the two heroes were finally released. Upon their return to the present day and without a hint of aging upon them, Sylvester decided to resume the adventuring under the new name of Skyman, although Pat opted to return to a normal life, marry a woman named Maggie and even have a son he named Michael. Unfortunately the wedding ended in failure, with Maggie leaving to raise Mike on her own and Pat reconciling his friendship with Sylvester. He was then given work at Pemberton estate as a mechanic and chauffer while secretely building and upgrading Skymans equipment. It was during that time that he begun the design of his latest project which he named [b]Special Tactics Robotic Integrated Power Enhancer[/b],S.T.R.I.P.E for short. Sadly, Sylvester would fall at the hands of one of his rogues, leaving Pat to seek out a new beginning back in L.A, where he used his savings to buy a building for his auto business and an apartment to move in. While working as a Car Technician, Pat met Barbara Whitmore, a divorced wife and mother when she arrived to his store to fix her car. They begun dating for a while and after a long time Pat could finally felt confident that he found the woman he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. There was only a little problem, whose name was Courtney... Barbaras teenage daughter disliked Pat from the first moment she saw him, and every attempt to approach her ended with Courtney being even more antagonistic than before. Still, it didn't deter him from finally deciding to make the big step and ask Barbaras hand for marriage while having the brilliant idea to move to Blue Valley, Nebraska, thinking that a smaller town would help his relationship with his step-daughter. A few months passed after moving in Blue Valley Pat noticed that while Courtney was as distant as ever she seemed very concentrated towards a 'secret project' of hers, so he just waved it off as simple school work. The revelation would arrive during the 4th of July when his step-daughter appeared at the event wearing a make-shift Star-Spangled Kid costume. It was the hair that broke the Camels back for Pat, but when he was ready to engage in a full yelling match with Courtney, the villain of Dragon King begun his attack. With his instincts kicking in, Pat managed to take Barbara and most of the civilians, although he was unable to reach Courtney once she was attacked by the Dragon-Kings daughter, Shiv. He reached the S.T.R.I.P.E armor just in time and after firing up the first model Pat flew in to save his daughter and the two of them managed to beat the villains and save the day. What followed on their return home was a long discussion that ended in a surprising compromise from Barbara. Courtney would continue her activities as a teen crimefigher in the condition that Pat would tag along in order to protect her(and keep an eye on her). So, the [color=00aeef][b]Star-Spangled Girl and S.T.R.I.P.E.[/b][/color] was created and rest, as we say, is history.... [b][u][color=BF0A30]Motivation for joining the League?:[/color][/u][/b] While joining the main body of the JLA had never been one of Pats priorities, if Courtney wishes to enter the reborn League then he can only follow her in this endeavor and support her choice. [b][u][color=BF0A30]What do you bring to the League?:[/color][/u][/b] Mechanical knowledge, a badass Power Armor and most importantly, the experience of a Golden Age superhero and the sound advice he can give to the younger heroes. [b][u][color=BF0A30]Notes[/color][/u][/b] Pat is allergic to pineapples. He can cook some mean bluberry pancakes. [/hider] The first draft, completing it as we speak.