Yo. Sup? And I think when Botan allows herself to dive into her darker emotions during the demon's reign, she'll probably slowly understand just how draining her job is and how she might be feeling somewhat 'unfulfilled' or without purpose. The souls she reaps, well she doesn't get to follow up on any of them. Her job is to guide people to transition from their life to another one but Botan doesn't reap the rewards, so to speak. On top of that I'd wager to say her life was threatened a few times back during the Dark Tourney, it might be interesting to explore whether or not she (and maybe even Yoko, unless he was deemed immortal, I don't recall off the top of my head though) is somewhat vulnerable to an 'ultimate death' or if being a spirit is truly an endlessly life. I think with her almost killing herself, there still should be some kind of 'stake' you know? I'm just rambling though. But this could be a learning point for Botan and it probably will be, as well as for Kurama and them breaking down walls and getting to know one another.