Standing just inside of the cockpit's doorway, Jacque rubbed his temples to try and stem his headache after hearing Kruss' suggestion. The neimodian had a good head on his shoulders, but sometimes that cautious streak could be the devil to deal with. The mention of the crew members forced from the human a small sigh, "[b]There's a chance that they'll either blow us apart when they realize what's up or follow after us. Best to at least leave them in a position not to do either. As far as the crew are concerned, Marka and Viik are still at that station, i've no idea what the hell happened with Alexnick, and there are two unknown men that i've got sitting in our cargo hold. On of them claims to be watching something for a previous employer and the other claims to be part of the crew. All I know is that I have no idea who the hell either of them are, but if it's true then I sure as hell don't recall being there for either of their introductions. But we'll chat more on that bit later Kruss.[/b]" He said somewhat sharply as he entered and slid into the seat that housed the controls for the ion cannon. With the flip of a few switches the ion cannon slowly roared to life, sending a faint humming sound throughout the cockpit as it powered up. Jacque's hand hovered over the control panel, fingers lightly brushing the button that he noticed had the word "FIRE" crudely scribbled on it in what he assumed was a marker, '[i]Really, Marka? This is what you did in your spare time while you where in here?[/i]' he couldn't help but muse. Jacque's eyes flitted up to the small screen above the panel, waiting for any sort of indication that the Decimator was near. In that moment a thought occurred to Jacque; It was good to leave the enemy ship in a bad way, yes, but it would better to also have the ship at least ready for a jump. He snapped his fingers a few times to get his crew mate's attention, "[b]Fixer? Prep us for a hyperspace jump so we're not just here holding our collective dicks when things pop off. I know a place a few systems over where we should be able to lay low for a bit. The coordinates are...[/b]".