[center][h1][color=1d4d82][b][u]Jean-Luc Rivière[/u][/b][/color][/h1] [h1][color=1d4d82][b][u]Spectre[/u][/b][/color][/h1] [img]http://i.imgur.com/hy9Foh0.jpg?1[/img] [b][u]Location: Sentinel HQ[/u][/b] [b][u]Interacting With:[@Lmpkio]Creatrix [@Leslie Hall]Antoinette [/u][/b][/center] Jean-Luc admired the professionalism of the robot Creatrix. Polite enough to address him and any questions he had, while keeping answers short and avoiding any personal topics. It was a shame not all members held that same level. Almost immediately after the man named Sean was seated, the now infamous Dr. Antoinette Agresta entered the room and began berating the current members. Anyone who kept up with the news knew who she was, and it was almost despicable she voiced doubt about them holding up the Sentinels name when she herself had been “dismissed”. Seeing as she called him a “kid”, Jean-Luc decided to retaliate in the same manner. [color=1d4d82]“Oh dear. Someone should call any nearby nursing homes and see if they are missing a patient because I think she just wandered in.”[/color] Jean-Luc kept a firm gaze with Antoinette as he spoke and held it letting the doctor know he wasn’t intimidated by her or her little creation. He only broke the gaze once Creatrix got involved and decided he would let it go if she would. With that encounter finished, Jean-luc was now able to check the room as more of his soon to be teammates had arrived. The list now included a skeletal looking woman, a walking armory, a soldier, a young girl in a hat, and a man in dark clothing and glasses. Oddly enough, Jean-Luc was starting to feel wearing casual clothing was making him stick out more than the rest of these characters. Either way, he was not here to socialize like the women who had already struck on a conversation, and chose to simply sit back and wait to see what their first instructions would be.