Sabriye followd the mighty beast during their travels together, She felt truly blessed to be traveling together with someone. Her shoes dangled on her bag as she had stepped out of them a long time ago. Sabriye had experianced that walking barefoots was much easier for her, she could follow The mighty beast better. [i][color=a2d39c]'' May you sail far, to the fair fields of fortune'' ''with diamonds and Pearls, at your hand and your feet'' ''and may you need never, banish misfortuene'' ''may you find kindness, in all that you meet'' ''may there Always be angles, to watch over you'' ''to guide you eacht step, of the way'' ''to guard you and keep you safe, from all harm''[/color][/i] She sang pure and clear. She had a good voice and the elvish tunes soothed the animals around her Sabriye wondered if the mighty beast also enjoyed her song. In the middle of her song Sabriye stopped in her tracks. ''Heru, Do you feel that as well?'' She said kneeling down laying her hand on the soft grass. She stood up again and stamped her foot ontop of the ground, tryig to get a clearer 'vieuw' on what she'd seen. She felt it. Near them was a living being together with ... a mass of rocks... Sabriye couldn't place the last precence and curiosety got the better of her. [color=a2d39c]''there is something strange in the clearing over there. Lets go and find out what it is''[/color] She said as she carefully ran into the clearing. Indeed there was a living being resembeling a human in the clearing, but Sabriye soon enough figured that the figure was an elf. The thing she couldn't get a clear vieuw on earlier now came rushing towards her, protecting the elf. scared Sabriye slammed her staff into the ground, raising a barrier. [color=a2d39c]''tinechor''[/color] she shouted in Solar wood elvish , casting the spell [@Mr Rage][@The Harbinger of Ferocity]