[quote=@BlackSam3091] [@DrewVonAwesome] Sorry bud, I completely forgot about you. I'm not to clear on Zachary Zatanna's powers from the comics, so could you just clear me up. Is it the same as Zatanna's in that he casts magic by speaking spells backwards? I'm fairly certain that's the case from the image on you're sheet, but I just want to be clear. On that note if I've somehow managed to miss anyone else please let me know, though I think I should be up to date OOC wise. Now I just need to work through my PM's. [/quote] Yeah that is the gist, in the comics like I said in the notes Zachary is handicapped by not being powerful enough to cast any spells on himself or another human being. Or an animal as big or bigger than a dove. Otherwise he does cast his spells vocally saying what he wants backwards. So if he was gagged he wouldn't be able to cast any spells. For this RP I decided to just say his powerful enough to handle spells on himself and such. Either way I truthfully forgot all about this RP too so... [quote=@Konica] Option 3 sounds good. Don't worry, my character is in the same boat :gray [/quote] To be fair the Justice League has always been much more high powered than many other superhero teams. Even arguably The Avengers.