[quote=@Altered Tundra] I admit it was slightly difficult deciding how I wanted to do it, but I think I found a decent way. If you approve, then wonderful; however, if you want some changes, please tell me. :) [img]http://i.imgur.com/4pGUJOZ.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/YHbkOH5.png[/img] [/quote] Thank you so much! It looks great. I just have four changes, if that's alright. In the avatar there's this blocky grey area between Iron Man's hand and Batman's head; could you possibly get rid of it? And then in the sig, would you be able to make it so Green Arrow isn't upside down, Iron Man's facing the other way, and that the text is a little easier to read? At its current colour, it's a little difficult to make out, is all. Again, thank you so much for doing this, especially since it's for free and during your own free time. I really appreciate it.